Krystal Clear Evidence
17 March

The murder of Krystal Beslanowitch was solved with the help of a vacuum. Joe explains how that worked, and Sandra gets a cleaning boner (not because of Sheriff Todd Bonner).
Sandra got her information from:
- An article translated from Finnish. Translation can be found on Teller Report, original article can be found here.
- Article on, by Kelsey Nighthawk
- Article in The Salt Lake Tribune, by Jessica Miller
- The photo of Krystal Beslanowitch and the photo of the M-Vac can be found here.
Joe got his information from:
- How Does the M-Vac Work, on M-Vac Systems Inc. website
- Forensic Tales, by Courtney J Fretwell
- Article on, by Kelsey Nighthawk
- Article on The Spokesman-Review
- An article on Deseret News, by Brent Israelsen
- State v. Simpson, on Casetext
- Two articles in The Salt Lake Tribune, by Jessica Miller. "Man ordered to stand trial in Utah teen's 1995 death" (this is also where the photo of Joseph Michael Simpson can be found), and "Attorneys: DNA will be focus of trial for man accused of killing Utah teen in 1995"
Audio transcript
Midweek Murders contains graphic and explicit content, listener discretion is advised.
Did you hear my hello this time?
Yeah. yeah i waited forever i was like
wait a minute wait a minute wait what
it's my birthday and i cry if i want to
thought that was the most apt song for
mildly amusing i recorded that whilst
outside with ollie walking
so if anybody
came along they would have been like who
the [ __ ] is this great
it was funny i've had a weird day
did father vagina get you everything
that you wanted
yeah i woke up really early because i
had to pee
not because you were just too excited to
open all your presents
no you'll know how it is when you get to
my age
well i don't know what the time was but
it was probably like six or seven
ish and then i went to the toilet
then i got back to the bed and i was
like i'm gonna sleep for a bit more
so i slept for a bit more and then i
woke up and had
like a nice breakfast i went out
yesterday to get my meds so i bought
like uh
bread like a bread
i don't know if you've heard about that
one before but i bought a bread
i thought i should treat myself it's my
birthday i bought bread
i did and then i woke up and nicholas
got things ready while i was like
my face when i was ready he was like
yeah i have 10 minutes until my meeting
i was like [ __ ]
so when he was in the meeting i started
opening my presents because niklas
said like you couldn't make up your mind
which is true
i really tried to come up with something
i wanted for my birthday
the only thing i could come up with was
like huge
goth boots and i was like is this like a
crisis i don't know
so i was like i don't know what i want
for my birthday he was like okay i got
you something but you couldn't make your
mind up so you know
and i was like yeah that's totally fine
expecting it to be like
socks because that's the only thing i
on my wish list so he got me a phone
and he was in the meeting and i opened
the gift and i was like
[ __ ] hell it's a [ __ ] phone it's a
very thoughtful gift as well yeah
yeah because i don't actually own a
phone i just have yours
you wrecked your last one
oh the drama the drama is still fresh in
my mind
it's wednesday which means that it's
time to talk about crime i'm your host
and i'm your host joe today we're going
to talk about the murder of
crystal beslanovic i got my information
from which was a translation
of a finnish article that i could read
nothing of because i don't know any
except for isa pate which is
do not cover and an article
on her moments dot com by kelsey
nighthawk great last name and
an article in the salt lake tribune by
jessica miller that's very interesting
because i also have the same article
from her moments
and two articles from the salt lake
so one of those probably the same one
from which is the manufacturer
of the forensic vacuum
i'm assuming this is pronounced desiree
but it's about deseret
oh i read that one as well and
which is the court report
of the trial i do like a hard
on the 14th of december 1995
in salt lake city utah tracy
boslanovic told her boyfriend chris that
she was going to get
some snacks at circle k gas station
when she didn't return home chris got
worried and drove
out to the gas station to look for her
there was no
sign of tracy though at the gas station
and chris knocked on some neighbors
doors but nobody had seen
anything the next morning a farmer and
his son
spotted a body by the utah river
approximately 45 miles from salt lake
the police were called and sheriff todd
bonner sorry accidental burner
began investigating the case beside the
the police found granite rocks with a
lot of blood on them
and because of this the police surmised
that the rocks had been used as
the murder weapon the only thing the
crime scene
technicians could find was a pair of the
victim's socks
but no identifying things like a wallet
id she was therefore labeled as a jane
what she did have though was two tattoos
slight thing for the listeners
and the russian bots is that if you
if you want to get identified tattoos is
probably a great thing to have
only if you've got friends yes too
because my parents don't know about my
so yeah and they're not on any national
so your body can be identified by
tattoos but only if someone knows you
well enough to
know what your tattoos are true
i would recognize your tattoos also you
flashed a party with your
thigh tattoos you and some other guy
got into your pants at one party
we didn't get into our pants the pants
were always there
that is true so the police released
sketches of these tattoos to local
newspapers in an effort to find the
identity of the victim
chris saw the sketches and contacted the
police immediately to inform them
that the body they had found was his
tracy beslanovic so the police contacted
tracy's father to inform him of the
terrible news but tracy's father told
them that tracy was in fact alive and
he said that the victim was not
tracy but his stepdaughter crystal
who i think stole her stepsister's
identity for a lot of things
yeah so she often disguised herself or
used her sister's identity
for a multitude of things we don't know
she was using her sister's identity
with her boyfriend although
varying sources say he was boyfriend
and something else beginning with p
and ending with imp oh okay
i remembered that i should have asked
you for
in what state the body was found
probably should have done yeah
yeah do you have anything on that
when they performed the autopsy they
found that
she had been dead for about 10 to 12
hours at the time of performing the
autopsy which would have related to
8 or 10 p.m of the
previous day the autopsy report
found that crystal had suffered at least
a dozen injuries most of them
to the head and the pathologist that
performed the autopsy in court
said that the injuries were almost too
numerous to count
oh god yeah the official cause of death
was craniocerebral
injuries which is essentially blunt
force trauma
to the head they also took
a series of swabs and
they clipped her fingernails the reason
behind clipping the fingernails
is that more commonly than you'd expect
there is
the suspect's dna under the fingernails
unfortunately the fingernail clippings
came back clean
there was nothing in there but i feel
like i should grow
my talons out just to collect more dna
you'd be surprised how easy it is to
collect dna and
regular length fingernails i usually cut
mine with a point
i like that because i feel more wolfish
in them yeah okay my hands
are [ __ ] scary when i was a
kindergarten teacher one of my
children was like you have the longest
fingers of anyone on this planet i was
like yes yes i have
i'm scaring eagle talons
that's my thing i want them to be long
and sharp
and scary
yeah sorry you were i was trying to be
but um
seriously the vaginal swabs that they
of crystal came back like the rocks
with partial profiles and at the time
they weren't able to match that with
so when they recovered the body they
found that on one of crystal's wrists
there was
a bloody fingerprint or thumbprint
however when they tested that they
couldn't get a match to
any fingerprint on their known database
worth mentioning at this point
fingerprint recovery
from skin is incredibly difficult
mainly for the reason that skin is
absorbent so for things like latent
fingerprints that are not
visible to the human eye that are left
sweat deposits they could get absorbed
by your skin
your skin itself has its own ridge
so that's gonna cross interfere with the
ridge patterns on the fingerprint
it's an incredibly difficult matrix to
try and recover a fingerprint from
they are working on it and they are
getting closer to being able to do it
oh cool but definitely at the time
there's basically no way the only real
way to be able to determine a
in blood on skin is to be able to
photograph it
and if it's a partial print or it's a
smudged print
you can basically rule it out it's
impossible to recover
so that was a bit of a dead end really
so turns out chris hadn't known his
real name either that or he had lied to
the police
which was what the police saw and this
raised red flags for the police and
chris was now the main
suspect but sheriff bonner couldn't find
a motive
as chris was financially dependent on
and he had no car which made the 45
odd miles journey from their home to
where the body was discovered
a logistical implausibility
so the sheriff found another suspect
a taxi driver who was obsessed with
had made statements such as if i can't
have her
no one else can crystal's friends
knew about this taxi driver's unhealthy
which i feel like you can't have a
just get over it [ __ ] but police could
not find any hard evidence to connect
the taxi driver to
the murderer and so the case went cold
chilly minus agrees
in 2008 the blood on the rocks were
and the male dna profile found was not a
match for either chris
or the taxi driver as soon as you point
out here
that there was a profile that was
matched to crystal
so they knew that it was used to
bludgeon crystal
and there was also another partial
male dna but from what they could gather
at the time in 2008
that partial profile didn't match either
chris or herb
yeah and herb is the taxi driver the
taxi driver yeah
yeah so almost 20 years after the murder
had taken place
the police finally had a break in the
which was not only because of
advancement in technology but also
they tried to solve the case in the
which is good just on that point in the
they were trying to solve it in the
police so that dna profile
was obviously tested in 95
when the crime was discovered they
tested it again
in 2008 when there was an advancement in
dna techniques but couldn't make a match
they tested it again in 2011
and then finally they tested it a third
or fourth time sorry in 2013
so they were really trying to identify
who was responsible they weren't letting
it lie as
uh oh it's a cold case we haven't got
any evidence let's just
stick in the cupboard and forget about
it yeah the police actually
tried in this case which was good yeah
detective boner
was great and now i'm
and now i'm gonna ask you about why
they had a break in the case oh well
you see it was down to magic
so in 2013 there was a
new dna recovery technique
that was established called the mvac
originally the mvac was designed
to remove microbes from food
but the researchers and inventors behind
the mvac thought that there might be
other applications behind it so moved
into the forensic
world so to give you a little
information on
what the mvac is it's essentially
a sterile wet vacuum
so if you've ever had your carpets
professionally cleaned
you'll know that the machine that does
will spray detergent in the case
of carpet cleaning onto the carpet and
then the vacuum will suck up
all of the [ __ ] so that's essentially
what the mvac does
so it sprays the surface of your
sample with what they call a collection
solution and vacuums that up at the same
so in that vacuum head you've got a mini
hurricane as they describe it of the
vacuum but also
the wet solution and the theory behind
is when they spray that solution down
any dna or skin fragments
or cellular material will be
dissolved into that wet matrix
and then the vacuum will suck it up so
if you've got dna
in this case on the rock you apply
the mvac that applies the collection
solution which
dissolve any skin matrix or dna or
anything like that that's on the rock
into the collection material and suck it
up into a sterile container
that bottle is then passed through
a filter the filter is really really
it's 0.2 microns
which is a millionth
of a centimeter oh god it's so tiny
really really really small
just like my dick sorry i have the big
no your dick's massive just like my dick
i measured it once with an electron
microscope and it came back as
so yeah once you've applied the mvac you
will have a bottle
of solution that will contain both your
solution and your dna material
so you pour that over onto the filter
and because the filter's so small it
will trap
your skin cells or dna material
but the water and potassium phosphate
and whatever other chemicals are in the
solution will pass through
so all of your analyte of interest is
collected onto that filter paper
that's so crazy that it could be so tiny
yeah and to be fair those kind of
are commercially available they're not
specially made
oh my god i want them
i've got some if you want a 0.5 micron
filter i have a cleaning boner right now
my ocd is just like get it
get it this technology isn't
majorly advanced it's just the first
instance of this technology being able
to be used
in this kind of situation so the reason
when they tested it in 2008 and
any time before that 2011 and 95
the reason that the dna profiles came
back as
impartial incomplete is because at the
the science would have been just a swab
and a swab sample is essentially
you wet a cotton bud like an earbud
a sterile version with some distilled
you wipe that around your surface and
send that off
and then you do it again with a dry swab
and send that off
and they'll run both of those samples
and see what kind of
evidence they get back now the reason
that those came back as
incomplete is because you're limited to
the amount of
material you can pick up from just
wiping over the surface with a swab
all you can pick up is what you rub off
of your surface
whereas the technique of the mvac the
whole point of that
is that you get a load more
dna material because it's using a vacuum
as well as a high pressure collection
so it's not advanced technology
but it is a lot more useful with
smaller samples than the traditional
is so then they would have sent that
filter plate
off to a forensic science lab
for pcr analysis we've talked about pcr
analysis before
but just a quick summary pcr stands for
polymerase chain reaction and
it multiplies the amount of dna sample
that you have
until it gets to a readable level and
then they can run a full dna profile
with that result from the pcr and what
they found
was they got a full dna profile
with using the mvac rather than the
or partial profiles that they got
when they ran that full profile in
their known suspect database they
found a match and the match was to a
joseph michael simpson so
they now have a suspect yeah
so joseph michael simpson
had been a bus driver in the area
at the time of crystal's death because
he was a shuttle driver wasn't he for
airports he was going to multiple
different locations
but the area where crystal was found
was one of the areas in his shuttle run
so yeah okay i also read that he would
use his shuttle vehicle to pick up sex
regularly after he'd finished his shift
a couple of reports
say that there were no obvious signs of
sexual assault
and a couple of other reports say that
dna of the suspect was found in her
vaginal cavity and she was a known sex
so from that i guess you can conclude
that she was working that night and he
was one of her
customers maybe yeah that might have
been the case
yeah we can't confirm it yeah which
might mean a connection
between her and the suspect because
of her friends and family knew this
suspect which is an interesting point
because that's why he wasn't on the list
of suspects
from the beginning so the police
when they ran the profile through codis
the usa based dna collection
database i'm suspecting they got a
partial hit
because they went to florida where
joseph lived
in 2013 i guess
yeah and waited for him to give them
something with his dna
on it and this is where i have a
the vacuum obviously gave them a good
profile but did it give them a
cold profile because from what i
understand it they got a hit
because they knew the person's name but
why would they go to florida
if they had a full profile they got
a full profile from the mvac
collection and that provided a
match on their database to simpson
for some reason what they needed to do
next was
make sure that the profile they had on
their database
was actually his so what we have seen
from the first blood grouping ever
we covered it or we discussed it where
the guy
got somebody else to provide his dna
sample for
him call him pitchfork that's the guy
pitchy fork so what they needed to do
was make sure that the profile
that they had on record matched
the profile of joseph simpson
i didn't know that i was confused
because i was like well if they
had a full profile why would they go to
florida to pick up an
other profile yes see in the uk they
wouldn't have done
because all of the dna profiles that are
the national database are taken by
trained police officers or trained
forensic investigators so you know
that that profile matches that person
whether in the us at the time they
doubted whether he'd given the right
address the right
name the right personal detail i don't
know but you're right
in that they went to florida they staked
a smoke shop and saw simpson
discard a cigarette butt that he'd been
they seized that cigarette but ran it
for a dna profile
and that dna profile matched their
database record
for him why they didn't just arrest him
and take a buckle swap
i have no idea but the cigarette butt
dna profile was a perfect match
to the dna vacuumed off of the rocks
which is a sentence i thought i would
never say vacuumed off
of the rocks so in september
2016 a jury found
joseph guilty of murdering crystal and
he was sentenced to life without the
possibility of parole this wasn't the
first time
joseph had committed murder though
when he murdered crystal he was on
parole for stabbing a man to death
even though he already had his chance of
living a normal life
and decided to commit another murder
joseph stated that i know it's going to
be 20 maybe
30 years down the road but it's still
hope that i can have another chance he
no dude you had another chance
you decided to commit murder
is what i want to say to him yeah i
would like to exacerbate your rage
by giving you some details about his
crime do it i'm ready for the rage
yeah when he murdered crystal he was on
parole for second degree
felony murder now the us has a weird
way of naming their murders
a second-degree murder is essentially
you kill someone without going out with
the intention of killing them
so in the u.s first degree murder
is you've planned it you've plotted it
you've gone out and you've done it
second degree murder
is you're out and about doing your
and you deliberately kill someone
so you haven't planned it but you have
intentionally killed someone and then
manslaughter is when
you kill someone accidentally a
felony murder is the second degree
murder so someone has died
deliberately whilst you were also
carrying out a felony crime so like
burglary so the crime
that he was charged for his
felony murder was that he was dating a
and that lady said that she was
interested in dating another man
so simpson found the man stabbed him
13 times in the
hip hands arms shoulders
neck head and back
and left the knife in his back
i would say that that sounds a bit first
degree isn't it
yeah it does it does so
he went to prison he got given parole
while he was on parole he bludgeoned
a 17 year old to death
and whilst on trial for said
bludgeoning pleaded for the jury
to give him a second chance because his
[ __ ]
cat died what genuinely
his defense in court was i had a cat
and it bit me and i had to go to the
and get treatment and it made me look at
my life in a new light
what the [ __ ] jay simpson
i got bitten on the face by my dog i
still don't go out and kill people
no i have a cat i would die for my cat
my cat shat me in the face
that's a true story
my brother was shocked he was like what
the [ __ ]
i was like she accidentally had diarrhea
in my face i was traumatized
i still love my cat enough that i would
die for her
it was a very very strange
plead it was it was
unfortunately the jury paid absolutely
[ __ ] all attention to it because within
hour the conclusion was guilty
life imprisonment no parole
it's like take your cat story and shove
it up your arsey
dirty dirty bastard we both know
cats are [ __ ] bastards we love them
anyways i love them
because of that like you're the best
even though she
shot in my face other nicholas's shoes
which has never happened in my life i've
never had
poop in my face until my cat
shat in my face i didn't notice at first
because i was like what the [ __ ] where
did this new mole come from
no i was like what the [ __ ] is happening
something smells a bit stanky and then
10 minutes later i went to the toilet
and i was like
10 10 minutes maybe
5 minutes you didn't tell me i'd [ __ ] on
your face for ten
minutes maybe five minutes i don't oh
you're disgusting
i went to the [ __ ] bathroom mirror
and i was like oh my god i have
[ __ ] on my face
i'm gonna die i'm gonna die right now
and i'm not
sad about it but i'm gonna die right now
not sad about it what a way to go
death might catch it in the face
i'm not even like that mad about it
because i love
a little more than my own life but i'm
also like
you sham my face man you're crossing
boundaries here
speaking of which that's the case
no i'm finished okay i've got some
little tidbits
from the trial itself
to jailhouse informants
is how they were described i don't know
what their jobs were
they were employees of some sort there
were two of them
that testified against simpson in his
the first informant said
that simpson said to them i got away
with it
this long what would make them open the
now um suspicious yeah
then the second informant said
that simpson would always complain about
finding his dna on a rock
by crystal and that's all i got bro
then that's the case joseph simpson
you're a dick what are you gonna do next
i have to deal with this week first have
you tried your rowing machine
i did ten minutes before my back started
congrats i think it's going to be quite
good it's got quite a high level of
so if ever the motivation strikes to do
some exercises there for me i
really tried to get you to work out with
me you were like
no way but we have to start doing it
again you know that
i do know that the whole point of the
rowing machine
minus the manic episode is to have
to be able to do cardio with whenever
urge strikes which admittedly is not
very often
but sometimes it happens and i'm like
well i'm not gonna go for a run
so [ __ ] exercise no we have to do it
i tried to tell you you were like no way
i was like yes we did this beforehand
you know yeah but you tried to get me to
do it when i was in a slump
i tried to get you to do it like 30
different times yeah when i was in a
yeah we still need to do it every time
you get the urge
to do it i can fire you up with my
very good insults your
mother was an amster
and the father smelled of elderberrys
i would also like to say if people are
that are enjoying the podcast please
leave a review on itunes because
we had a bad review and i wanted to stop
everything and just give up yeah we
don't usually
plug for likes and subscribes
so we would really appreciate it if you
could just
leave us a tiny little bit of
positive feedback if you do enjoy
our drunken spiel
i drunken nonsense
yeah just let us know that you love us
or we'll be sad that's the truth
to be honest joe won't be sad but i will
be super sad
i won't be sad it won't make a
difference to me at all
true story he's medicated
i spent 30 hours every week
to do this podcast so to everyone that
does listen to podcasts that they don't
like just
turn it off like i do when i listen to
podcasts that i don't like i'm like
i'm just gonna turn it off yeah we're
not a mattress
that you can't return
that's true okay so bye bye
- Krystal Beslanowitch
- M-Vac
- Joseph Michael Simpson