The Bride of Christ
8 July

The Bride of Christ, or Åsa Waldau, is at the epicentre of the Knutby Murder, the murder of Alexandra Fossmo commited by a brainwashed cult member and orchestrated by a pastor (Alexandras husband) in a congregation situated in a village in Sweden. Sandra tries to teach Joe how to pronounce Swedish words, and Joe is trying not to get sued for defamation. Sandra got her information from Uppdrag Gransknings (Mission: investigate) docu series called "Knutby" as well as wikipedia, Joe got his information from wikipedia (and allegedly, his brain). The picture of Saint Catherine being symbolically married to baby Jesus is painted by Paolo Veronese and can be found on wikipedia.
Audio transcript
Midweek Murders contains graphic and explicit content, listener discretion is advised. [Laughter] You're listening to Midweek Murders and that means that it's time to talk about crime. This is Joe.
And this is Sandra.
That was fucking awkward.
It's better to say "I'm Sandra, and this is: Hello I'm Joe".
It's not, because you're basically introducing it as "let's talk about crime, I'm sandra, and this is... Joe" like how how do I come into that? I can't be upbeat and preppy and like "Hey listeners! I'm Joe". It's just like, and this is Joe. Obviously as it has been for the past four weeks, like the fuck do you expect it to be? Frank?
Oh it's true.
[humming jingle]. This week's introduction is jazz. [Music]
This week we're going to talk about the Knutby murder, which was a very scandalous moment for the swedish national news, I guess. I was quite young when it happened, and I remember...
Sandra, you were born 75.
Well metaphorically yes, but at that time I think I was 14. Does that make sense? Yeah it does, I was 14. And I remember it being on the news and I was like: "What in the hell?" because Sweden is one of the most secular countries in the world, and for us to have like... Okay, let's start from the beginning, sorry.
Always a good place to start.
I got my information from mission investigate, or Uppdrag Granskning, they had a docu-series about the case which came out quite recently. And also wikipedia, wikiwiki waaah.
I also got my.... What the fuck is it? Information.
I thought you were gonna say a swedish word so I was prepared to help you.
Yeah, I got my information from wikipedia, and also my brain.
So in the 10th of january 2004, Alexandra Fossmo was shot, but they didn't know that at first because the one that called the police was the neighbor who was shot two times but survived. And his name was Daniel. Now I can't say it in swedish or english.
Sorry, I completely poo pooed your lovely pronunciation there.
Okay, Daniel Linde. And for the english listeners we're just gonna call him Daniel. Daniel, yeah, but first... Nobody knew what... The trouble I've seen [Music] my sorrow.... [Music] [Laughter] So Daniel calls the police, and the police arrest Sara Svensson at her childhood home in... not where they were shot, like in a more southern part of Sweden. Sorry, sorry, excuse me. And quite early on they understand that Sara thinks that she is on a mission to save her soul. And they were like, oh oh this smells like indoctrination, or brainwashing or whatever you want to call it. They kind of keyed into the fact that she sounded not of sound mind when they arrested her.
So during the prosecution of Sara they understand that she has been getting these anonymous messages on her phone, from what she thinks is God, or somebody working for God. And that obviously sounded crazy. All of the messages that she said that she had gotten were deleted. But with the technology that they had at the time they managed to get those messages from her phone. So she had turned her phone in, and she had said that she had done the murder of Alexandra Fossmo, and also the attempted murder of Daniel. But from the text messages that they were able to retrieve, even though they were deleted, there was hundreds of messages saying that "what you need to do for God is murder Alexandra, and then murder Daniel". So this was very confusing at the time, I remember when it came on the news and everything and I and everyone in Sweden was like "what in the hell". But it unearthed... What do you call it, like it came to light this whole fucked up situation?
Unearthed is fine. Revealed?
Yeah, it revealed, it uncovered this very weird sect in Knutby, which is very close to Stockholm, and a part of the county where a lot of people go to study. And what it revealed about that sect, which they wouldn't call themselves at the time, in that community they quickly unearthed that one of the key players in that church was a woman called Åsa Waldau, who said that she was the bride of christ. And the people engaged in that church also called her the bride of christ, or the queen of heaven. Oh, that's what it meant. Which is very very problematic in a very general kind of sense, but in this particular congregation it was extremely problematic which wouldn't come out until later. But Sara was prosecuted by the state and also they tracked those text messages that she had gotten, from air quotes God, to her minister or pastor Helge Fossmo, or Fossmo. No, I said in English twice! Fuck it. He, in himself, turned out to be extremely problematic, because he had murdered his first wife on the 18th december of 1999...
Yeah well, allegedly. But I think he did do that.
Yeah, but you can't for legal reasons say that he did it if he hasn't been prosecuted for it.
Well, they did kind of like throw it out there, the prosecution, that he might have killed his first wife as well.
Yeah, but just trust me you can't legally say that he has killed his first wife, you have to put in allegedly.
Yeah, no, I do trust you. I just feel like i don't care because nobody listens except for the bots.
Look, if we have to cite our sources then you can't accuse people of murder.
Okay fine, he was accused of his first wife's murder Helen, Helen, sorry.
Just say them in Swedish, it's fine. The more you say them in Swedish the more I'm going to be able to replicate the sounds.
Okay, Helen. Because in 1999 she was found dead in her bathtub with a toxic concentration of an opioid found in prescription painkillers, that had been prescribed for Helge Fossmo. And she also had a wound, or a hole, in her temple that at the time they thought that she had banged her head on the faucet of the bathtub. I can hear you pouring beer.
I was gonna mute myself but then I thought you might need my input. Turns out I was just spending the whole time sassing you.
You're wrong.
They did bring it up as the prosecution point and he was found not guilty.
Yes, so he wasn't prosecuted for it.
I'm gonna say you're misunderstanding me, but I...
I'm understanding you, but the legal term of prosecution is to win your case against x, y and z. So if the charges were dropped because there was insufficient evidence or whatever, then he hasn't been prosecuted for it.
Oh, okay, I thought it was like... Because at the time when she actually was allegedly murdered in 1999, they just ruled it out as a accident.
Accidental death, yeah, then they reopened it as a possible attempted murder or murder. But there isn't sufficient evidence to charge him for it, so that was all dropped and his prison time was for Alexandra.
Exactly. But what is it called then, like when it's, when it's like charging?
Yeah, it's a charge for that crime, well, alleged crime.
He was he was sentenced, obviously, for conspiring to murder his second wife and his next-door neighbor. Which, digging more into it, his neighbor was a husband to a woman that he was having an affair with. And Sara was on trial and did a full confession and told them all about how she got the gun, and she was sentenced to institutional psychiatric care. And that makes sense to me because after actually digging into this case, which I did from a very early age, which is obviously concerning. But I was very interested in what happened. It turns out that Sara, she was called the nanny in Swedish media because she had worked for the Fossmo family, she had first moved to Knutby and she had joined the congregation because they were like "oh we're so happy you're here blah blah blah". And then they had for a very long time systematically abused her. So at first she was like loved by all, very welcomed, hugged, everyone was like "oh my god you're saved blah blah blah, you're gonna go to heaven". And then Helge Fossmos told her that God talked through him, and that God had told him that she needed to have sex with him. So I'm just gonna say at this point that...
Alarm bells.
Alarm bells, yes. A sect is when people tell you you're not allowed to speak to people outside because they're not saved, or they're not blah blah. Like it doesn't matter which kind of religion it's like if you can't speak to people outside of your own congregation that is alarm bell number one. Alarm bell number two is when people say that this D is gonna save you from hell. If people are gonna say that they're gonna save you with their genitalia please call your family, you're in a sect.
Unless it's me.
So it started out with them being like "oh you're chosen by God to have sex with me" and then it turned into this thing where Åsa Waldau, which is the congregation's bride of christ, which is a very extreme statement to make. But people who are that manipulative and that full of themselves, they search for a community where that can be used. So Åsa Waldau psychologically broke her down because she told everyone that she was evil incarnated. So it started out with Helge Fossmo trying to convince her that she was doing God's mission, and then Åsa Waldau broke her down by convincing her that she had sinned so badly that she was not a person anymore. This, of course, was during a couple of years. Obviously they started out being like super like attentive, super like "I see you, you're a great person, you can do god's mission in the world blah blah blah". It started out really positive, and then they broke her bit by bit, by telling her that she wasn't, that she was so sinful that she didn't deserve to live. And Helge Fossmo told her that he was battling demons for some weird inexplicable reason, then he forced her to move into his bedroom for like eight months tending to him while he was battling demons for the bride of christ, and after that she was so ostracized by the congregation. And Helge told her "you are so sinful you are a slave, and you're lucky that I am your master, because I am a kind master. And you will do this for God or you will forever be condemned".
And in Åsa Waldau's case she was dubbed the bride of christ because she was a pastor in another congregation, like a youth pastor and then they said you can't work here anymore because your relationships to the young people are concerning. Because she started a sexual relationship with a man or a boy that was 15 when she was 25. And they couldn't prove that, they just had like suspicions, so they didn't tell the police because they were like "well you seem a bit pedo, so you can't work here anymore, you're fired".
He took Åsa Waldau to his parents house which was in Knutby, in the ruse that they didn't have a relationship, that she was just a friend. And then they married when he graduated from upper secondary school. He was 18, is that upper secondary school?
Just secondary school.
Okay, second...
Sixth form, but it's Swedish so it's whatever you would call it.
We call it gymnasium, it's what we call.
It just sounded like you said gymnasium with a.
Yeah it is, we call it gymnasium.
But that's weird, none of our english listeners are going to be able to understand that. Okay, he graduated from PE.
He was 18. He gets married to Åsa Waldau his parents...
Hold on, are we talking about Helge?
Patrick Waldau.
Okay, because you haven't mentioned that name at all so far.
Oh yeah, I'm sorry. She was fired as a pastor because she had uncomfortable relationships with the youths. Youths. I can't say that.
Just say teenagers.
Teenagers. She had uncomfortable relationships with teenagers, but they couldn't prove anything because none of the teenagers would say that she was being like...
It's less likely for a teenage boy to accuse an older woman of making advances than it would be the other way around.
Yeah, which is interesting because I still don't think he realizes that she was abusing him, I don't think he realizes...
She was a position of power and he was, yeah, under her care.
He still thinks, I think, that they were in love. That's obviously problematic. After her being fired because of weird things about...
Yeah, so he takes her home to Knutby, where his parents are from, and she becomes a pastor in that church. In that church they become convinced that she is the bride of christ for some weird reason...
She performed a ritual where she was like devoting herself to christ, and that's where the name bride of christ came from. So it wasn't just like a random assignment, there there was a whole candles and nighttime slaughtering of goats type thing involved.
Well, it wasn't really only about that, it was like, they had had prophecies in air quotes, that a prosecuted woman would come to their congregation and she would be the bride of christ. Which I feel like, is a bit like somebody got bored in their like their... What is it called when they go to church to worship, the whole thing?
Their service.
Yeah that's a thing, I think. Don't question me on acts of the church, I'm the last person who's going to be able to answer any of these questions.
Somebody got bored a couple of years before, and they were like "yeah, you know what? Bride of christ is gonna come to our church and she's gonna be prosecuted woman, and she's gonna be amazeboobs, she's"...
You know what they should have done?
They should have given a call to the parish of dibley, ask to borrow their vicar.
I actually understand that reference. Ba bam. Somebody told them that the bride of christ is going to come to our congregation and she's going to be the prologue for the returning of christ. So she came to the congregation and they were like "oh my god she was prosecuted by her other congregation and she is the bride of christ". And she, as a very manipulative sociopath was like "of course I am, I am god's intended wife". Which is crazy, but she was extremely likable, people were like "oh my god, she could see you, she really connected to people, she was really blah blah blah", you know, all of that shit. So she formed a personal sect around her as the bride of christ. She brought Helge Fossmo to that congregation, because they had met a couple years earlier, and she was like "he is the voice of god, he speaks from god to you". And they were like, okay. But he was also a very, very manipulative person, and he came in being like "yeah we're gonna... all of us are going to heaven, you all are chosen, Åsa is the bride of christ, this is like the reckoning, history as we know it ends here". He made them feel chosen, and she made them feel chosen because of how extremely manipulative they were. And then Helge Fossmo obviously got in trouble because he has a tendency to allegedly murder his wives. He got incarcerated for the second attempt on his current wife which was Åsa's little sister. So Alexandra Fossmo was Åsa Waldau's little sister. Sara, I feel really bad for her because she was so dehumanized for so long that she thought she was air quotes wrong and sinful in a way that she couldn't understand. She was just trying to do the right thing, and they treated her so badly for so long, like they got the whole community to stop saying hello to her. It was like she didn't exist where she lived. She thought that God was speaking to her through anonymous text messages sent from Helge that said that "if you just do this for God, mercy is gonna fall on you you sinful devil worshiper". It was so crazy. But she was obviously, as I said, sentenced to psychological help, so she's out in society now. Which, I think, is not that bad. Because I feel like she was abused in a way that most people can't even imagine being abused. She was sexually assaulted, she was dehumanized, she was ostracized from a whole village for years before this happened. When she had gotten the text messages about having to kill Alexandra she tried to kill her with a hammer, she got pushed out of the village. They didn't call the police, which is crazy. But Helge had told his other congregation members that he had dreams of Alexandra dying, he was like "it's so horrible, in my dreams Alexandra is dead blah blah blah", and people... When she actually was killed, people thought that he had premonitions. Prophesies?
Premonitions, yeah.
Yeah, so they thought that he was speaking from God which was also crazy, but you know...
I mean that kind of sums up the problem with fanatical religious groups doesn't it?
Yeah it does.
Watching the documentary that mission investigate had done, it's so clear that Åsa Waldau has so much internalized misogyny that she treated women in her congregation like shit. She had these chosen women in the group, that were like "yeah, you have been chosen by god to be my servers". So they spent all of their money that they earned from their jobs on her, they would wait on her all the time, they would give her massages, they would cook her food, they would buy her clothes. They would do everything for her.
It's also a stipulation that any member of this cult had to give 10% of their earnings towards the cult.
And also that... I think that she convinced the others so much that she was chosen by god, that they didn't see it happening in the beginning. It was like all hugs and like joy, and warmth, and meaning... She would provide meaning in life for her subjugates, or like servers, or like stuff. And then the more the years went on the worse she would treat them. So she would say that somebody's wrong, you need to take their children away from that person, which they did. She would say that "you've done this right" for so long and she'd been like praising them, and then suddenly she would get violent. Hit them and jump on them, and she would like tell them that they had to move into a shed in her garden where they weren't allowed to sleep on mattresses. She would bind them, she would treat other women so incredibly badly, that I feel like this is crazy. That all this went on without the swedish government being involved in any way. Because in 2004 Alexandra is murdered, Helge is put in prison. Åsa Waldau is still in the congregation. In 2020 the trial begins against Asa Waldau, Urban, one of her ministers or pastors in the congregation, that had sexually assaulted a 17 year old and also forced a lot of the other women to have sexual relationships with him. Because he said that it was a fight against the demons to get jesus there for Åsa Waldau to marry, and looking on it from the outside I understand that this is so fucking crazy, but it was...
Apologies if you picked up any bad language, listeners.
It was so crazy because of the fact that Sweden is such a secular state. But nobody took care to investigate the children and the teenagers in the cult, nobody made sure that they were all right. Because they went to school, because homeschooling isn't allowed in Sweden, which is good, but they went to school in Knutby where some of their teachers was a part of the cult. So they were like brainwashed from day one. Some of them tried to kill themselves, and then they were further ostracized in the congregation for trying to kill themselves. Because that would make them be in hell.
It's the ultimate sin.
So like for them there was no escape. The girl who was sexually abused when she was 17... Urban started making sexual advances towards her when she was 14 years old, and Urban is like maybe 20 years her senior. He was another minister, or pastor, that she brought into the congregation who would abuse power. Like he probably looked for a situation where they would treat him as a god because they did, they were like well he is speaking directly from god. Which also, he said that he was, and he had sexual relationships with a lot of the women in the congregation because he said that his dick would be their salvation. Which again, alarm bells. If someone says that you need to have sex with them to be saved, it's a fucking cult. Well this girl, she went to Åsa and told her about the sexual abuse from Urban. Åsa made her lay down on her stomach and then jumped on her four times, with her parents in the room. And I feel like Åsa should be locked up forever. I don't want Åsa in our society, I don't want Urban in our fucking society. Both of them are still out in our society. Well, not in our, in my... Well, in Sweden. It's crazy.
And that's why no one lives in Sweden. [Laughter]
Well, we have a very low population. But I feel like... What I couldn't understand about this whole case is 1. why Helge didn't get prosecuted for the murder of his first wife. Can you tell me a bit about that?
[Laughter] I feel like the first hour of this podcast has been about cults, and now we're on the murders.
Well, it's 30 minutes but... [Laughter]
So how'd you say her name?
The first wife?
Yeah. Heilen or Helen?
If you want to say Helen.... Hillen.
Yeah so, Helen [Laughter].
Now you know my struggle in every episode.
Oh I want you to try and pronounce the opiate that was found in her system, that would be fun.
Dex tro blah blah blah?
Yeah that one.
Wait, wait, let me do it. Dextro pro po xy fen.
Sure let's go with that.
How would you say it?
Okay, that does sound more accurate.
That sounds like it could be a thing. So she was found, like aforementioned, with a hole in her skull and a toxic concentration of dextropropoxyphene in her blood system. Originally the case was dropped because the hole in her skull wasn't able to be linked to anything, and so it was difficult to relate that back to whether that was caused by her falling over in the bath, whether that could have been a blunt instrument. The thing about the dextro is that there was none found in her stomach, which is probably the most interesting part about the autopsy report in that you'd expect anything ingested orally to still be present in the stomach upon autopsy after death. But there was nothing in her stomach. So there was one prosecutor, or coroner, I can't remember what his position was, that said the most likely route of administration would have been either IV, so injected straight into the bloodstream, or either administered vaginally or anally. Again, if it was administered vaginally or anally, you'd expect to find some in those cavities. I don't know whether they did or not, I couldn't....
They might not have checked.
Yeah, I can't find the autopsy reports anywhere. All of the media coverage just says that she was found with the toxic substance. It's interesting to note that dextropropoxyphene was readily available at the time of the crime as a prescription drug, but has been withdrawn from almost all markets. It's been withdrawn from the US, it's been withdrawn from the EU, UK, Sweden, particularly because of the problems raised about its efficacy versus its toxicity. So all of the drugs when they're put on the market are given a therapeutic index. And a therapeutic index is basically the difference between how much you need to take to get the therapeutic dose, which is whatever you're taking it for, in this case it would be pain relief, and the toxic dose. Now most drugs have quite a wide therapeutic window, which is obviously ideal, you don't want your toxic dose to be too close to your therapeutic dose. But dextro has an incredibly narrow therapeutic index which, caused a lot of questions about 20 years after it was widely available on the market, which is what's caused its withdrawal. It also becomes particularly toxic when it's combined with alcohol, usually because of the higher doses that are required. So because it's a weak opioid you need to take a lot more of it to be able to get that therapeutic dose than you would cocodamole, morphine, all of the other opiates that are available. So if she were to have taken it with alcohol, you would expect that that toxic dose would have dropped significantly, whereas the therapeutic dose would have stayed the same. So you're narrowing that window even further. A lot of opiates can cause central nervous system depression, respiratory depression, and cardiac depression. And depression in this case is just the that system being less responsive. So CNS depression is your central nervous system stops being responsive, so you're less receptive to pain, you're less receptive to external stimulus, which is usually what painkillers are taken for. But respiratory depression and cardiac depression are particular problems when you're taking medication, in that they then make it harder to breathe, and they make your heart work harder to provide the same amount of oxygenated blood that it would normally. So it's perfectly possible that in the dose that she had taken she had experienced the respiratory depression and the cardiac depression to cause death. Particularly if it were mixed with alcohol. And when she was found it was in the bath, but there was no water found in her lungs, which basically rules out drowning. So you can be pretty much sure that her cause of death was the administration of the drugs, and that she was dead before she was in the bathtub, and not even like unconscious before she was in the bathtub. Because if she was unconscious she would have still been breathing, and then you would expect to find water in her lungs. And I think she was found the next day.
I think there was water in the bathtub, because I think the first responders kind of thought that it was drowning.
Yeah, which would be normal. You hit your head on the faucet, you fall into the bathtub, you're unconscious, you aspirate the water, you drown. But given that when there was no water found in the lungs you can rule that out. Which means that it's perfectly possible that her head injury was caused by falling on the faucet, which would be why there was no correlation between blunt weapon trauma and the wound that she had on her head. It couldn't have been caused by a hammer, because it was caused by the faucet.
Was that ruled out? That it couldn't be blunt force trauma?
Well it would have been blunt force trauma, but blunt force trauma wasn't the cause of death.
Okay. So the drugs was definitely the cause of death.
Yeah, the drugs were the cause of death, but the most interesting point was that there was none found in her stomach. So we don't know how it was administered, whether it be IV, whether it be crushed up tablets administered through any other orifice, but we're basically ruling out the ingestion of the drugs, which pretty much rules out suicide. I don't think there's been any cases that I know of, having studied forensic science, where someone's decided to commit suicide via OD, and has administered any other way than oral or IV.
Which kind of leads towards the fact that it was murder, but again, without knowing the root of the administration 100%, there's not enough scientific evidence to be able to say that this was the route, and therefore this is the chain of events.
So it kind of was that Helge allegedly didn't have a congregation of minions to do the murder for him, so he kind of had to..
Take things into his own hands.
Yeah, or obviously not had to, but he was a fucking psychopath. So he is still incarcerated and I think he was up for a parole in 2020. Which, I think, might not have happened.
It got turned down by the court of appeal, yeah. So he was initially eligible for parole this year, but they blocked that request.
Oh thank god, because Sweden is good in very many ways, like they don't have the death penalty blah blah blah, but they're also very... A lot of horrible crimes gets very short sentences, but Helge got, I think, 25, 27?
So that's obviously, maybe not enough. But it's something. Because in 2020 the trials began for three other pastors of the sect, the Knutby sect. And Peter, he accused himself, Åsa Waldau and Urban, the other weirdo. And for him, he accused himself of abuse, like physical abuse, and something else.
I mean if you're doing it yourself it's more of a confession.
Yeah, well, he confessed to the crimes but I think he also brought charges against...
Yeah, so that would be an accusation, but against himself would be a confession.
Okay. They were all sentenced, but they got like nothing, they got like no jail sentence. They had to pay a fine and they got like... What is it called when you're sentenced but you get to be home, but you also need to do community service, I guess?
Community service.
Yeah, but I also feel like they got off too mildly. They shouldn't be out at all. It's so crazy. Absolute bonkers. [Laughter]
Do you have any do you have anything else to say about the case?
No. No.
I'm done.
I actually found this one the least interesting.
Did you? I found it so interesting but that's probably because it's about a sect and I'm like "oh my god".
My job is to bring in the forensics role and this case was cut and dry, she admitted to it, no questions asked, let's move on.
Helge Fossmo, I've heard that he has like a blog and stuff from prison. He got married from prison and he has a lot of like internet presence. I would just like to say to you...
You're a cunt.
You're a horrible man and you should stay in prison for all time, and please stop being on the internet because it just...
Stop redownloading our videos, it's skewing our numbers.
We don't have videos. [Laughter]
I meant audio!
Do you want to try the swedish pronunciations again?
Urban like Uber.
Pronunciations, please.
You can do it. You can do it, I believe in you.
Not until you say the word right.
Say it again.
There we go, wayyy!
Lads, lads, lads.
Okay Urban.
That's not like uber at all.
Hillian, like helen but...
Yeah that's really good, wow!
Wow that was patronizing.jpg.
I wasn't, I was impressed. Knutby.
Yeah, almost.
No that was exactly the same.
You'll get there, it's fine, nobody cares about that place anyway.
You've been to Nutby?
You've been to Nutby? You heard what fucking happened in Nutby? It was fucking mental!
Okay. Thank you for listening to this week's episode of Midweek Murders. I'll see you next week.
Ciao, ciao.
Hejdå. Can you say hejdå? Hejdå?
Are you talking to me or Bodil?
Because you were using your patronizing animal voice like you were trying to teach a parakeet to say fuck off.
Can you say fuck off. Fuck off.
Can you say fuck off? Oh who's a clever little birdie.
Oh clever bird. Hejdå.
Hold the door! Good lord that was, that was so... so unsettling.
Yeah too soon.
Hashtag too soon. Okay, bye! [Music]
- sect crimes
- Knutby
- Knutby mordet
- cult crimes
- Podcast about cult crimes
- Knutby murder
- little known cult crimes
- bride of christ
- brainwashing
- criminal pastors
- Kristi brud
- gaslighting
- famous swedish crimes
- Helge Fossmo
- swedish crime cases