The Candy Man
9 December

The topic this week is the poisoning of Timothy O'Bryan, who was murdered by his father Ronald O'Bryan (nicknamed The Candy Man by the media). Joe explains German idioms, and Sandra talks about the world's oldest tree.
Joe got his information from:
- The mugshot of Ronald Clark O'Bryan can be found here
- Article in The Houston Chronicle, by Will Axford
- The Gorgeous History Geeks on facebook, by Lissa Bryan
- Cyanide poisoning, Wikipedia
- The Houston Chronicle from 1974, The Hoax Project
- Ronald Clark O'BRYAN, Petitioner-Appellant, v. W. J. ESTELLE, Jr., Director, Texas Department of Corrections, Respondent-Appellee, on law resource
Sandra got her information from:
- Article in Mama Mia, by Belinda Jepsen
- Medium article, by Lisa Marie Fuqua
- Article in The Dispatch, from 1975
- A Capital Case in America: How Today's Justice System Handles Death Penalty Cases from Crime Scene to Ultimate Execution of Sentence, by David Crump & George Jacobs
- O’Bryan vs State, Court of Criminal Appeals decisions in Texas
- Wikipedia
- The photo of Old Tjikko, the tree, can be found here
Audio transcript
Midweek Murders contains graphic and explicit content, listener discretion is advised.
The Germans have got some fun ones when you translate them.
Oh! Tell me all about it.
It's raining cats and dogs doesn't translate into that. I think it translates as: "It's pouring as if from a bucket".
Very literal. I like it!
that's not even a metaphor it's like
it's just
raining as if poured from a bucket
oh [ __ ] germans gotta love them
i don't know why i found that so funny
because it's just so quintessentially
yeah yeah it really is
i'm describing exactly what's happening
right now
it's a metaphor
i looked up the uh other german idioms i
couldn't remember
while i was freaking you
with my incredible story as soon as you
were like
i watched graham earlier i was like
alright this will go on for a while i've
got time
and you were right
so when you feel like you're going crazy
you say ichikawa is spinner
which is i believe i spider
what yep no i believe
i am a spider i believe
i spider oh this can't be true
yeah apparently it's true and the other
good one
was the phrase it's all greek to me are
you familiar with that phrase
yeah okay so the german is ich fester nu
bahnhof which translates as i only
understand train station
i was like the only thing i know
that's banhov is a train station
that makes no sense i like the raining
most because
i will describe the weather it's a
it is raining i'm so poetic
ye oh you want to know something mildly
i was watching my favorite show on the
the one that i told you about before and
one of the
music questions was there was a band
who did a cover on withering heights
and the question was what is the name of
this artist
that did this song couldn't
for the life of me remember kate
yeah and i was like i [ __ ] know this
question i know it i know it and i
come up with the answer and i felt like
you and joe
would disown me if you knew me
i feel like i am not in any position to
disown anyone
over music trivia questions
is that the truth i sat the whole time
being like
it's so weird like in the 80s that's
a nicholas and i was like she did that
weird song about the babushka
you know that artist and he was like no
i have never heard this song before
i was like it's the weird one
so it could have been anyone from sweden
who do you think about when you say that
we have weird artists
zara larsen weird robin weird
abba weird i thought you would like
sarah larson i do
i was like she's right up your alley
like a pop
a lady doing generic pop song sounds
we do a lot of music compared to how
few people actually live in sweden well
you've got to be able to export
something other than snow
yeah that's true we also have a wood
70 or 80 or 90
of the whole geographical layout of
is just woods and also we have
the oldest recorded tree that they have
found did you know that well how do they
know if it's still alive
what do you mean the only way to age a
tree is to chop it down
i don't know they can probably like take
samples from it
you're the [ __ ] princess yep i'm
telling you the only way to age a tree
is to cut it down nah i don't believe
that they can do like carbon
blah blah blah blah do carbon dating on
a tree
are you sure they know that it's the
oldest one
and i saw a photo i was like oh that's
so cool
finally famous for something and then i
looked it up
and it's so sad the face of the tree
just looks so abysmal barely has
any green just a little thin stump of
and this is why you didn't get into
descriptive literature
hey i'm the published author here
i was like oh cool so cool like you know
the redwood forest in america
so majestic so incredible and then
it's so sweet
wow it looks like a disgruntled old
it should have died 10 000 years ago man
it's probably just like i'm the oldest
tree i have no friends anymore i can't
keep up with the younger generation
and this is the [ __ ] world i've
what's the point i'm not growing leaves
anymore i'll just [ __ ] die
just cut me down and look at my rings
yeah spot some scientists coming and
he's like oh
finally they'll cut me down to see how
old i am
and then they're just like [ __ ]
carbon dating
what is this not
[ __ ] tree beard over here just cut me
enough is enough i've lived through the
roman empire
and you give me [ __ ] trump
do you know what i've seen
it was a sapling when genghis was
conquering mongolia
that's going to make it as one of the
quotes isn't it and it's going to have
nothing to do with the case
i should put a photo of the tree on the
just to bum everyone
look at this [ __ ] ugly depressed tree
come on swedish foresters just cut it
i bet zlatan could cut it down just by
looking at it oh yeah
this still gaze of his steel case
would just the still gaze of his still
what's the author here
his steely gaze was just there
and as he gazed with his steel gaze
all those before him could not bear to
the gaze of the steely gaze
oh god are you ready to start chapter
slather woke up one morning
to the prayers of the entire world
as latin thou art in heaven
hallowed be thy name
and he felt a tingle in his steely gaze
i'm a spider he said
all these prayers are making me go
spinner said zlatan
looking at them looking out
the window while it rained as if poured
from a bucket
he listened to the prayers and said i
only understand the train station
it's wednesday my dudes
which means that it's time to talk about
i'm your host sandra and i'm your host
zlatan with the steely gays
that's joe by the way this week we're
to talk about the candyman and the
murder of
timothy o'brien i got my information
wikipedia a website called mamma mia
here we go again and an article
therein by belinda jepsen and a medium
by lisa marie fuqua
an article in the dispatch from 1975
and a book called a capital case in
how today's justice system handles death
penalty cases from
crime scene to ultimate execution of
by david crump and george jacobs
i also read a court of criminal
appeals decision o'brien versus state
i'm done
said slaughter someone's been busy
yeah i got my sources from
the houston chronicle the gorgeous
history geeks
that's the thing where can i join
historical crime detective and
a case study on a website
that is a dot edu so i'm assuming
it's totes legit okay on halloween 1974
ronald clark o'brien went out
trick-or-treating in pasadena texas
with his two children timothy 8 years
and elizabeth five years old with them
was two other children and those
children's father
jim [ __ ] whilst walking around the
bates family's neighborhood
as this was a more affluent area
they had rung the doorbell at a house
where the lights were off
and unsurprisingly no one answered
the children then ran ahead to try their
luck at the next house
ronald was left behind for a couple of
minutes and
in the book it said 30 seconds but i
don't know
but soon caught up to the group at which
point he gave the kids
five pixie sticks with a lot of excess
sticks that's for you youtube
translate that [ __ ] which he claimed to
have acquired at the previous house
where someone had answered the door
after the group
had left but only with their arm
which was described as harry
tune in next week to see if gorillas can
be home owners
i think a lot of people have hairy arms
enough that
so that when it's dark and the doors
only open a sliver
enough to tell that they're half
orangutan i don't think people have arms
that are that hairy
i don't want to out nicholas here but he
has hairy knuckles
i'm just saying well then he's probably
very closely related
to the missing link
wow we should cut him open and count his
corbin beat him yeah
he told jim bates you've got rich
look at what they're handing out and i
was like
five pixie sticks [ __ ] sherbet
i was like really
no you're right ronald usually we just
get a grape
i was like at least give out some like
full-sized snicker bars that's a rich
neighborhood oh
what a hole that would be yeah five
pixie sticks i would be
disappointed so the rain that night
was pouring out of a bucket
so it cut the trick-or-treating short
and before the group
said their goodbyes ronald gave one
pixie stix
to each of the children and then because
there was four children he then gave the
last one to a random boy
who went to the same church as the
o'brien family
where ronald was a deacon and sang in
the choir
before going to bed that evening the
o'brien children were given
permission to eat one piece of candy
timothy either chose or was given
his pixie sticks he reportedly had some
trouble getting the candy out of the
and asked his father for help timothy
then ate some
but complained about the taste of it as
the sweet and sour
powdered candy tasted quote
bitter unquote
what are you laughing about it just said
bitter it tasted bitter
chewy get me some kool-aid
are you spoiling the whole case
i'm in this podcast too
how are you though
i'm kidding i'm kidding so ronald gave
timothy some kool-aid to wash the
bitterness down
after which timothy complained about
stomach pains
and then ran to the bathroom where he
proceeded to vomit
and convulse timothy died in an
ambulance on the way to the hospital
less than an hour
after tasting the candy timothy's
death sparked a panic in the
neighborhood they lived in
deer park and the surrounding areas
parents all around pasadena collected
the candy
their children had been given on
halloween and
handed it over to the police as fears
about there being some person out there
handing out
poisoned candy grew timothy's
autopsy results showed that the pixie
he had consumed contained a little dose
of potassium cyanide which prompted
police to immediately
search for the four remaining pieces of
pixie sticks
that have been given out that night the
of whitney the boy who ronald had given
the fifth
piece to panicked after receiving the
phone call from police
about the candy as they could not find
it in the house
in the house house in the house
i'm so german when i say house
i think i spied her i think i spied up
they then ran up to the boy's bedroom
and found it clutched in the sleeping
boy's hand fortunately he had been
unable to open the package as it was
shut after examining the four unconsumed
pixie sticks
the police found that they had all been
topped up
with little amounts of cyanide and
shots this might be a stupid question
but here it comes hold your judgment
man is there difference between
potassium cyanide and cyanide
and potassium yes what is potassium
so potassium cyanide is just a salt of
potassium and cyanide so
like table salt is sodium chloride
is made up of sodium and chlorine
potassium cyanide is a salt that's made
of potassium and cyanide so it's just
a way that those two chemicals can
okay do you have some things about the
autopsy or
potassium cyanide i couldn't find
anything about the autopsy
did you find stuff about the autopsy i
didn't even look into it mate because i
was like yeah he's gonna cover not my
well i guess we can say that he died
very quickly and the thing i could find
was that
the pixie stix he consumed was
filled with enough potassium cyanide
to be lethal for two adults
yeah so supposedly the cause of death
pretty obviously cyanide poisoning i
can't confirm that because
like i said i didn't access the autopsy
reports but that's where it's all
the media reports of timothy's
symptoms match cyanide poisoning
so headaches dizziness tachycardia
shortness of breath vomiting
and the onset of symptoms with cyanide
is very very rapid it's a couple of
so that fits in as well it's not like
there was a completely different time
frame of when it was reported that he
died and
the efficacy of cyanide poisoning the
way that cyanide
poisoning works is a lovely
easy thing to pronounce histo toxic
mr toxic hypoxia bam histo toxic
hysterotoxins toxic see told you what's
not easy
i had it the first time
which is basically the inability of the
cells to take
up oxygen so the cyanide
binds onto part of a protein
in cells which is where the oxygen
should bind instead so it basically
blocks that channel for the oxygen to be
so a lot of first line treatments for
unknown headache dizziness etc
is to administer oxygen and that's going
to be completely pointless
with cyanide poisoning because it's not
a problem of
not having enough oxygen in the blood
it's just the cells can't absorb it
from the blood so the only treatment for
cyanide poisoning
is to introduce a substance
that is more attractive to the cyanide
than the protein receptor is but
obviously they need to know that it's
cyanide poisoning to be able to
know which drug to administer what drug
would that be
it's a thiosulfite so in terms of the
the ld50 is disputed
in different sources but one that i
found was
one to three milligrams per kilogram
now we can't use our lovely 70
kilos as an example because the kid was
only eight
so it looks up the average weight of an
eight-year-old boy
which is gonna have a drastic effect on
internet advertising so you're welcome
oh god so an approximate weight for
a healthy eight-year-old boy is about
25-26 kilos which means
that according to the reports of it
being enough to kill
two adults there must have been about
140 milligrams
of potassium cyanide in the pixie sticks
i think i read something about there
between two and three and that might
have been grams
that seems like an extortionately high
okay maybe not 0.2 and not 0.3 i don't
which would be 200 to 300 milligrams
could be right but even if we take the 2
to 3
grams imagine a 20 pence piece
that weighs 5 grams the point of that
comparison is
just to show how little potassium
cyanide you'd need to
kill multiple people
and one of the people that he spoke to a
chemical salesperson
who actually gave evidence to the police
ronald he was visited by ronald who
wanted to buy
some cyanide and he only had it in
quantities of five pounds
which is 2.268
kilograms yeah so that's
thousands of magnitude more
than he put in the pixie stix which was
to kill two or three fully grown adult
so this guy really made sure that these
were gonna die if they ate this naughty
yeah oh also interestingly one thing
that i saw
one of the paramedics was going
to administer mouth-to-mouth in
the ambulance to try and resuscitate
he didn't and i don't know the reason
behind not doing it maybe because
he was already dead but there was enough
still in timothy's mouth to have killed
the paramedic
from administering mouth to mouth that's
another question potassium does that
different effects than cyanide yes
potassium as a raw element is incredibly
if you put it in water
it will explode oh god i didn't know
so if you put enough bananas no
as soon as you take it out of its
raw elemental form and mix it with
something else
in this case cyanide it completely
changes the chemical properties
and again to use the example of salt
normal table salt sodium chloride
elemental sodium
is in the same group as potassium so
if you put elemental sodium in water
it will explode oh god chlorine
is obviously toxic to people that's why
mustard gas is a thing that's why if you
accidentally make chlorine gas
you have to have a whole bunch of health
and safety people
assess whether it's safe to return to
work it will
burn you from the inside out
chlorine is a horrible horrible
gas how can that accidentally happen
if you mix cleaning products
for example but basically adding two
things that shouldn't be added can cause
a chemical reaction that will give off
chlorine gas
oh so those two elements
by themselves are horrifically
dangerous mix them together and you get
one of the most common condiments in the
salt especially if you're a swede salty
everywhere they put it in their [ __ ]
sweets the weirdos
so yes potassium and cyanide when
administered separately
will have completely different well
cyanide not so much
but yeah they will react differently if
they're in their raw
elemental form okay is convulsions
also a symptom of cyanide poisoning it's
a progressive symptom
so it's one of the secondary sets of
is seizures so it goes from headache
tachycardia which is a fast heart rate
shortness of breath and vomiting
and then it progresses to seizures
bradycardia or bradycardia which is a
slow heart rate
a decreased blood pressure
unconsciousness and then
cardiac arrest the onset of symptoms is
really quick
and he died in the ambulance on the way
to the hospital
but fortunately for him probably
is another symptom so he probably would
passed out before i was gonna say before
it got too
bad but he wouldn't have been
conscious for the whole thing yeah
that's good i also
read that pixie stix are heat sealed
so the fact that all of the pixie sticks
that ronald had given out were stapled
is definitely not a thing that they do
at the factory
i think it is no they said that it
i don't know if it's the same brand but
definitely in my childhood there was
a stick of sherbet that came in a tube
that was both heat sealed and stapled
it might be another brand then probably
quite possibly
i've never heard of pixie stix i don't
think we have it in sweden
from reading through everything my
suspicions weren't raised
when it said that they were stapled sure
yeah but i read that
the factory confirmed that they all were
heat sealed
in both ends so
when the police interviewed ronald he
first claimed that he
couldn't remember at what house he was
given the sticks
even though the group had only stopped
at two
houses as the reign had cut the
trick-or-treating short
after the police had requested that
ronald show them the house
and after them walking around the area
times this might have been separate
times or not separate times i don't know
ronald suddenly remembered any aircrafts
where he had gotten the candy and led
the police to the house where nobody had
answered to the house to the house
where nobody had answered the doorbell
until the children had run ahead
he then told police that the occupant of
the house had only cracked open the door
and handed the candy over
without showing as fast as we said the
only thing ronald had
seen in our quotes of the occupant
cleaned was a hairy arm there he comes
i should have just skipped that but now
it's in there
yeah that's uh the title of my sex tape
just skipped it but now it's now it's in
the house was owned by a mr courtney
who had around 200 witnesses
that could attest that he had been at
work at the time
of when the trick-or-treating had taken
during the investigation the police
realized that ronald was 100
000 in debt which is about
520 000 in today's money
which is crazy amounts of debt
am i the only one who thinks that this
is ridiculous
in the 1970s how in the
[ __ ] did they get that much debt did
buy a plane well i think one of the
sources that i read
said that i think it was in the
four years ronald had
had and been fired or quit 21
jobs i saw that as well but also if he
working even if it was 20 well he
obviously wasn't
yeah but if he was working 21 times
must have been some money how in the
did they acquire that much debt because
they're american
yeah maybe so the police had also
received a phone call from an insurance
agent who informed them that ronald had
taken out
twenty thousand dollar life insurances
on his two children a couple of weeks
halloween and the o'brien's already had
ten thousand dollar life insurances on
the children
and he had called the insurance company
to try to collect on these
the morning after timothy had died
which is a big red flag ronald
had also told his co-workers that he was
quitting his job
as he was about to get rich even though
the o'briens had had to move out
of their house and their car was about
to be
repossessed so another big red flag
ding the police also searched the
o'brien's house
where they found a pair of scissors and
a knife the blades of the scissors
as well as the knife had a plastic
substance on them
the knife also had clear crystal
particles that were water
soluble and contained sugar
they theorized that these crystal
particles might be the same
as the candy in a pixie stix but a
test failed to match the substances
positively so one of his colleagues
ronald asking if anyone if just anyone
could purchase potassium cyanide and a
professor at the community college
where ronald were taking classes had
gotten questions from him about how much
it would take to kill different sized
one of them coincidentally matched the
same size
as an eight-year-old child did it
yeah ronald o'brien was arrested
and his trial started on may the 5th
1975 at the trial the defense tried to
blame it on the urban
myth about people handing out poison
candy or candied apples with
razors in them even though this has
never happened but apparently it was a
before this case happened which is crazy
because this
is the first recorded instance of this
ever happening and also it wasn't a
stranger giving out the candies
it was his own dad and also the other
cases of
this even being remotely true is very
circumstances so it's like a family
member or like
stuff like that it's never actually
happened so
all of you listeners out there you don't
need to be scared
although never accept sweets from a
that's strange danger 101 oh yeah that's
i don't think anyone's ever rang our
doorbell for
halloween here in london i thought it
would happen the first year
so i bought some candy and the second
year i bought some candy just in case
never happened more for you yeah
so even though the prosecutors couldn't
where ronald had bought the cyanide it
took the jury a mere
46 minutes to convict him and he was
sentenced to
death for murder and four counts of
attempted murder
for the other pixie stix packaging
things that he gave out
because they could prove that there was
cyanide in all of them
potassium cyanide sorry one prosecutor
told the jury that ronald had sacrificed
his son
on the altar of greed so
biblical yeah ronald's wife
they did question mark divorced him
after he was convicted she claimed to
have been
unaware of the life insurance policies
ronald taken out
although she did know about the ten
thousand dollar ones
just not the recent twenty thousand
dollar ones
and called her husband a chronic liar
de nin had previously tried to find a
psychiatrist for him
as he had exhibited some strange
and with that i read something about him
being like
having a bayonet or some kind of
weird [ __ ] that he was like pulling out
and putting into the seat sheave
half and half she's
a couple of times and she was like yes
weird and also she at one point thought
that he would use it on her or on
but because she had wanted a good
psychiatrist and was unable to find one
she decided to give up on that and just
seek the help of the lord
prayer is not a psychiatrist please
treat your mental health with a
de nin also informed the officers about
two previous suspected insurance fraud
instances where ronald had taken out
insurance policies
on their furniture and belongings and
then somehow
their belongings had caught fire mash
them up with a bayonet
ronald o'brien was despised imprisoned
by his fellow inmates for killing a
and he was dubbed the candyman by media
and was executed by lethal injection in
1984 during which a crowd of
300 people had gathered and
shouted trick-or-treat which
i felt like was the craziest part of
this whole case
it's america in it yeah and also people
used to go
to public hanging so i'm guessing it's
not that weird
no but they tend to make lethal
not public also on the subject of
lethal injections for you historical
nerds that are listening
and you sandra because you're a
historical nerd
he was sentenced to death by the
electric chair
yeah and by the time it got
to his date of execution because it was
three times it was actually eight years
after he'd been sentenced that he was
and by that time they had stopped
by electric chair and he was the first
texan to be executed by lethal injection
was i he know he was the first
but also thank god they stopped the
electric chair things one of
his appeals to have it postponed
and to go to retrial was on the basis
the lethal injection was inhumane
well it is isn't it no but
even if you were to consider it inhumane
compare it to the electric
chair yeah yeah i just think that it's
i don't agree with executing people
i think that even though the evidence
circumstantial in this case i don't
think that there's any question about
him being guilty though
no which is why he was sentenced so
quickly by the jury
yeah i think so too but it really sounds
like he was a major idiot
about the whole thing it's like he
didn't even
try to hide it it's so crazy
he also told like his brother-in-law and
that he was planning on taking a
on the funeral he was like yeah with all
this new money
i got into i'm gonna treat myself to a
i'm like what the [ __ ] he was so
stupid what are you gonna do now
sleep probably i've been up since half
six oh yeah
good lord i played some computer games
sad violin music oh okay yep
before we started recording and
i just shot everyone well i shot some of
them with sleep darts so i'm like
that doesn't count they're still alive
and that's why deep down i'm a good
and then one of them that i shot with
the sleep lord got eaten by
rats and i'm like that's not my problem
i didn't
get that you
are basically the story of the greek
you've been sentenced to death but i
can't do it myself
i know i'll just leave you out in the
wilderness for the wild animals to get
and therefore i didn't actually kill you
but you still
died with loads of illegitimate children
as well
yeah just left out in the forest
to get adopted by bears that's me
i hope they're all right i'm just
kidding you're illegitimate children
okay thank you so much for listening
to midweek murders we'll see you next
oh i thought you were on the toilet i
was like worst timing ever
worst outro ever goodbye
watering watering watering water
heat clip it's me a cathy
of camo mines you're gone
- murder of Timothy O'Bryan
- Ronald Clark O'Bryan
- true crime
- potassium cyanide
- poisoned Halloween candy
- forensic science podcast
- Murder for life insurance money
- People executed by Texas by lethal injection
- poisoners
- murders on Halloween
- The Candy Man
- Man who killed Halloween