

The Cult that Cultivated Salmonella

10 February

Rajneesh driving one of his Rolls-Royce in Rajneeshpuram.
Poster with Rajneesh (later known as Osho) with the text "prophet or profiteer?".
Mugshots of Rajneesh and Sheela.

The Rajneeshee bioterror attack is the topic this week, orchestrated by the followers of Rajneesh. Joe talks about the dangers of brushing your teeth too hard, and Sandra confuses a deadly disease with a group of Roman soldiers.

Joe got his information from:

Sandra got her information from:

  • Blog post, by Dickon Kent
  • Article in The Conversation, by Marion Goldman
  • Article in The Atlantic, by Scott Keyes
  • Article in Atlas Obscura, by Dylan Thuras
  • Article in Gizmodo, by Matt Novak
  • Wikipedia

Audio transcript

Midweek Murders contains graphic and explicit content, listener discretion is advised.

What are we? Are we generation x? Or millennials? No, millennials are the ones that are born in the noughts.

Yeah. I don't know what we are. Miserable.

We're some kind of generation, but I don't know which one. So every time people insult one generation, I'm like: "I won't take that personally, because that's probably not mine", and it probably is. I think I googled it one time because I was like: "does this apply to me?". It was the use of the laugh cry emoji, that they were like: "everyone in this generation overuses this emoji", and I was like: "that's probably my generation, because I use it all the time". And then it was my generation, and I was like: "huh. Makes sense". People were like: "nobody laughs that much", which is also true, when I send the emoji I'm like mildly amused. But also, beats the other emojis I guess. Why do we use the laugh cry emoji?

i don't know

i do laugh cry sometimes but not that


oh i don't think i have a g do you not

laugh cry no

maybe your tear canals are damaged just

like your

burst canal oh yeah that's wrecked

okay should we start maybe you

wanna do we don't have that many beers i

feel like maybe we should

get the show on the road so we don't dry


like our laugh cry emojis

that's what i think the love cray emoji


that's probably more accurate to be


oh god oh god

see there you go

for any of you listeners that are not in

england we're in like

months four or 18

of lockdown


it's wednesday which means that it's

time to talk about crime you're

listening to

midweek murders and i'm your host sandra

and i'm joe this week we're going to

talk about the rosh nishi

bio terror attack the largest

bioterror attack that has ever happened

in the us is it still

the largest you know what i'm not

entirely sure but i think so

for all you ravenclaws out there i dare

you to contact

us please too i'm so lonely

looking at you jim

i would be inclined to say it was the

largest bioterror attack

at the time because i think anthrax

might have overtaken it

okay might be might not be question mark

i got my information from wikipedia a

blog post by dick and kent

an article in

token is it dickon i don't know what

your source is

it's dick and then o-n

beyond then wouldn't it not in

poor ken chucking dicks in him a blog


by dick on kent

that just makes it worse

oh god no it's just on him

an article in the conversation by marion


an article in the atlantic by scott keys

an article in atlas obscura by dylan

soros an article in gizmodo

by matt novak i got mine from the wiki


an ncbi article and msd

manuals what is msd i think it's an

american website

okay right fine okay yeah you don't even

know your sources but already then i'll

take your word as gospel

sorry stick on or is dick in

i'll take your word as gospel just like

they did in this instance

with the cult leader's word

narrator nobody like that not even

we pause here to watch the tumbleweed

fly by

after sandra's failed joke

oh okay there was an election coming up


wasco county oregon in 1984

an area where tensions had been running


as the plot of land formerly known as


muddy ranch excellent name had been

bought by a cult

this cult had named the 64 000

acre plot rash nish param

and it was a community that strived to

be completely self-sufficient

and for many symbolized an opportunity

to lead a different life the community

was centered around the worship of one


and his teachings a guru by the name of


maybe i should tell the listeners that i

tried to

read up on the teachings of rashnesh

and what i took away from that was

that he mixed famous

philosophers i'm kind of guessing that

the draw was a combination

of western philosophies and eastern


but it's not clear and it's also not


so i have no idea why this person became

a famous cult leader and i think

that i have a skewed perception of him

because i saw him in an interview saying


i've had the most sex any man

has ever had in the history

of this earth more or less that's not a


quote but i was like okay what are you

11 years old and then genghis khan

burst in from the back room and was like

don't mean

and then instead of it being a mic drop

it was an axe drop

and just walked back out again [ __ ]

true but also

what the [ __ ] kind of weird flex is

that is he 11 years old

i think some of his philosophical

outlook might have been influenced by


and when you said that he mixed up his

philosophies all i could think of

was him saying something like the


of insanity is trying the same thing

over and over again

and then having sex with your mum

a bit of einstein bit of freud mix it up

i like that that should be our new

slogan maybe we will get

following i don't want to have sex with

my mom

so what happened in russia

it just 100 smooth

over that brain lag that

so what happened when you wanted to live

in rosh nesh

puram was that you had to give

all of your earthly possessions to the


and then you worked for free but

you were kind of paid back i assume

by the fact that you were living without


which some people kind of like that you

don't have to decide about what kind

of job you would want to have or

applying for jobs

and you don't have to decide about if

you're going to

buy a property because you got lodgings

and you got a job handed to you so you

didn't have to worry about anything

so i guess that was the draw probably

wasn't any council tax either

probably not although you did hand over

all your money

i'd hand over all my money if i didn't

have to pay council tax

fair enough and also i think one of the

biggest draws was

that it was a kind of sex for all

you didn't have to be married to have


you could be married and not divorced

and have sex you know

it was a bit of a sexually liberated

environment so one person who lived at

the ranch

answered this to the question of why


was so adored for me he was a well-read

university professor who was very good

at combining eastern mysticism

philosophy elements of religion and good

jokes to create a compelling

message that resonated with the people

looking for something different

sounds like me

you're so into that eastern mysticism oh


he had a good brand and i'm not saying

this cynically

he put together a good package at the

right time to appeal to many many people

this is undeniable more and more people

came to see him in india and i think he

got swept up in the fame and adoration


all that attention and again i would

like to say

that this is the man who said i have had


sex than any man in history

of this earth does that sound like a

professor or

does that sound like an 11 year old you

can choose

sounds like a professor of life

i want to read more of his teachings

i can't take it seriously but the ranch

had required construction

permits to house the growing population

of rashnesh param

and had successfully taken over


control of the nearby town of antelope

which had a population of 50 people side


by winning the majority of the city


suits this is funny though in the town


antelope they raised property taxes

to get more money for their compound

and named the recycling center

the adolf hitler recycling center

probably a different one so

why did the people of antelope have

less than warm feelings about the


i can guess why i feel like he kind of

set up

like a mini state of communism

where he was the dictator although his


are against socialism and

communism and for capitalism

but he still made a mini state in oregon

with communism kind of where he was the

sole beneficiary

i'm confused because if they read his


and then they were like but why are we


living in kind of communism

everybody who lives in a communist state


can't talk out against it or don't even


and it kind of sounded from the

interviews of the people who lived there

that they didn't realize what it was

but i'm surprised that like why are you

worshiping this man

who teaches the exact opposite of what


are living for him because he has so

much sex

that is an exact description

of what happened with trump

because trump said that he had a lot of

sex and people are like oh this man

must be looking out for my interest and

then he did the exact

opposite of their interest and they were

like he's

great oh

life it's funny isn't it funny enough

kind of way in a laugh cry emoji

kind of way yes but to obtain the

building permits

they had set their sights on a political

takeover of wasco county as well

as they didn't have the advantage of

outnumbering the citizens

in this instance as the ranch dwellers

constituted a mere

ten percent of the population of west


county i don't know how that is actually


wacko county wacko

let's go with wacko

so what did rashnesh do

what any said group of fanatical


of a man owning and flaunting 98

rolls royces would do they decided to

poison the county's

citizens and the number of rolls-royce

is ranging from 60 to

a hundred i'm not sure about the exact


i just went with the large number

because it felt

funnier to me i mean any more than

one is what i would call excessive

he would also ride around in his rolls


with all of the other rolls-royces and

he would be like

look at all of these people chanting my


i've taken all of your money spent it

on the exact copy of the

same car and i'm riding around in it

to show you how [ __ ] stupid this

whole thing is and then pops his head


like hello i'm in this one give me more


drive drive boys are coming drive

give me more money it's not like i spent

it on

frivolous things the ride in a rolls

royce is

very smooth so if they didn't have the

budget to fix the roads

then rose is probably the best choice


they decided to poison the county


so because of the building permits

they tried to murder the county


who visited the ranch by offering them

water with salmonella in it

one of whom would have died without

medical treatment

the salmonella was kind of

special because we could be treated with

antibiotics which a lot of strains of

salmonella can't

is that correct i don't think it was

that special

okay there's two branches of salmonella

to start

with one can cause typhoid which we

discussed with

old typhoid mary yeah and then the other

branch is non-typhoidal so you can't get

typhoid from it

this bioterror attack used a


type of salmonella yeah and then under

that category there are two types so

pretty much only america get salmonella


and then the rest of the world get

another one

okay but it's not particularly special

a lot of salmonella is becoming

resistant to antibiotics

but probably wasn't at the stage we're

at now

back in the 80s okay so in early


in 1984 the largest bio

terror attack in the us history began

when a woman sprinkled a brown

liquid into a salsa bucket at taco time

what time is it it's time to talk about


i was weak it's funnier to me when you

don't laugh

that probably says something about me


i made a funny oh it wasn't funny

that's funny is how i imagine your brain

is going probably

i'm gonna keep trying which

also says something about me


oh we're back to that old definition of


yeah you try the same thing over and

over again

expecting different results and then

have sex with your mum

she also squirted some of it into the

salad dressing

that she did after this they poisoned 10

additional salad bars in the area by

splashing it onto the produce

and poured it into water but not the

water supply

they had hoped that this would keep the

citizens of glasgow county from voting

but alas despite 751 people

falling ill and 45 being hospitalized

the locals turned up to vote against the

rosh nishi

candidates as they had their suspicions

of a political coup

as the cult had driven around in a jeep

with a 30 caliber machine gun mounted

on it around town which would make

me suspicious of a political coup

i mean why didn't they do it on a rolls

royce you're going to get a much better

ride and therefore a better aim

it's probably more difficult to mount a


gun on a rolls royce i might be wrong

i don't know anything about cars you're


either way i find it highly disturbing

and i'm guessing the citizens of wasco

county also found it

highly disturbing they also had a peace


in quotes who walked around with oozies

i don't actually know what an uzi is but

i'm guessing it's

semi-automatic machine gun

you didn't even google that you were

like i am

easily mountable on the roof of a


hashtag just saying fun fact about


you fun fact about rolls-royce

yeah wait for it he'll be impressed you

can drive

a rolls-royce and the ride is so smooth

you can have a cup of water on the


and not spill a drop

okay maybe we should take a minute to

talk about

the poison crime

yeah so salmonella bad stuff nasty nasty


according to cdc figures around

40 000 cases of salmonella poisoning

are reported in the u.s per year they

think that it's probably about threefold

higher than that but a lot of people

don't get diagnosed with it because

it usually goes away by itself so from

those 40 000 infections there's around

400 deaths per year

the reason there's so many deaths is


if you have an underlying health


the severity of your infection

can be a lot worse so anybody who's

immune compromised

including hiv aids anybody who's got


so side effects of infection

are fever cramping abdominal pain

diarrhea nausea vomiting you know

food poisoning symptoms comes out both

ends it typically has a

0.1 fatality rate

in the developed world so it's not

a massively serious thing

and treatment for it is usually just iv


unless you are one of the aforementioned

vulnerable groups

then you'll probably get a dose of


or antibiotics nowadays like you said

about 50 percent of salmonella


is multi-drug resistant so it's now

a lot harder to treat with antibiotics

and antimicrobials than

it was it's kind of developing into a

bit of a

superbug one of the reasons that it can


deadly or fatal is it can lead to a

condition called

bacteremia which is basically just a

bunch of bacteria in your

blood now here's a fun thing for all of

you hypochondriacs out there

you can get bacteria from brushing your

teeth too hard

what no [ __ ]

i brushed my teeth so hard yeah

oh god to the point where you bleed most

often not but it happens

yeah so a lot of the times bacteremia

will clear up by itself

and you will be symptomless so things

like brushing your teeth too hard

is not really anything to be concerned

about can also come

from practices like having a dental

hygienist clean your teeth for you

can it come from that or can it be

prevented from that

it can come from that what so the


on your gums and teeth and in your


can get into your bloodstream when you

cause damage to your gums by brushing

too hard

or a dentist sticking their dick in it

or something i don't know what they do

i've never had dentists clean their


it can be prevented by antibacterial


i do use that sometimes so that's good

and by regular

oral hygiene because you know keep your

mouth clean

keep the [ __ ] keen

life advice

the list of problems that can come from


are a lot more serious than those that

you would get

from salmonella poisoning so bacteremia

can lead to sepsis

which is basically a body-wide response

to an infection in your blood rather

than a localized response so

usually fever chills but sepsis

can be fatal so go see a doctor it can

also lead to

meningitis which is an inflammation

on the brain or specifically your


pericarditis which is the inflammation

of the sac around your heart

yeah your heart lives in a sack that's

fun news for some people

just like your balls endocarditis

which is the heart valves osteomyelitis

which is the bones

and arthritis which is your joints

four out of those five all of them apart

from arthritis

can be fatal so uh see your doctor

oh i had a fun fact about oral hygiene

is it keep your mouth

clean keep the pictures

no that's not a fact it hasn't been


it needs study i am ready to publish in

a peer-reviewed journal but i

fear it might get thrown out

there has been a proven link between

oral bacteria volume

and heart attacks really

high bacterial load in your mouth it

gets into your bloodstream pops its way

down to your heart and then it's like

what are we doing in here let's get out

boom yes

i have anthropomorphized bacteria and


i have simplified the process get over


for the general public's enjoyment

so other plants that they had that were

ultimately scrapped

included poisoning the water supply

which i think

one of them might have broken in but

then were unsuccessful

should have done it with legionnaires

whose legionnaires

oh is that not who

no i know what it is but is it a


to assassin's creed no legionnaires is a

roman no that's legionaries

i was like please don't sound stupid in

this episode

and then that's the moment

where i realized goal unsuccessful

legionnaires is a waterborne bacterial

disease that causes

quite bad pneumonia but it's incredibly

hard to pick up on

and can be fatal oh

god and one other plan that they had was

crashing a plane loaded with

bombs into the county courthouse

they did not do that but they also tried

to win the election by promising food

and shelter to

2 300 homeless people

who were coerced into voting for the


candidates at the ranch they were given


drugged with tranquilizers to keep them

compliant well that'll help you go to

the courthouse and

vote for rajnishi okay drink this

although if i were to get to a place and

they were like free beer

i probably would i probably would have

splashed it all over myself which i

almost did

i probably would have drank it free beer

and all the sacks you could need

i don't know why anyone's criticizing

this place

sure there was a bit of poisoning but

you can look past that

we probably would have although we

wouldn't have partaken in

any sex but we would have partaken in

all of the beer even though it was

tranquilized we would have been like oh

yeah i sleep like

a baby yeah i mean at least would have

slept well

yeah i know right although

obviously this is horrible and

deplorable but you know

the audacity the gall also kinda dreamy

just like rajnesh

it wasn't the handsomest of men

but because of this mass voter


secretary of state norma paulus

invoked an emergency rule in wasco


that required anyone registering to vote

in the county to personally appear at


local eligibility hearing among the

issues to be considered was

whether the applicants had satisfied

oregon's 20-day

residency requirement to vote

which obviously that homeless people did


in the forensic files episode that i

watched bio

attack for anyone who wants to watch it


said that the rajnishi's

went through with the election but

another source that i read

said that after all of these failed


the rashnessis withdrew its candidates

and announced that they would boycott

the election

one rashneshi resident left when he told

the media that

it was all an elaborate ruth and the

county just

didn't understand their sense of humor

oh those [ __ ] jokers poisoning people

which if it's not correct then i still

stand by my decision

to keep it in

because what in the [ __ ] but after local

and federal

agencies had gotten tips about the cult

being behind these poisonings

they started showing interest in the

goings on

at the ranch ranch dressing

put it on my ribs put it on my

salmonella salad put it on my buffalo

wings what part of a buffalo are buffalo

wings because buffaloes don't have wings

i thought it was a question at first so

i was like what

i digress i prefer to think of buffalo

with wings

but also they'd be a lot bigger so


how much buffalo wing are you getting

because they're only little but buffalo

are huge they're only

little i can't even reach up to wheat

don't worry mama buffalo's coming

don't know why the buffalo scottish

that's a good question man sheila


rashnesh's chief lieutenant or

spokesperson for the

lieutenant lieutenant or

not this old thing again or spokesperson

for the

rashneshi cult or whatever you want to

call it but it is

called call it what it is fled to west


in 1985 rashnesh then started to openly

accuse sheila of the crimes that had


committed he also said in an interview


wild wild country and mind you this is

like a year

after i actually saw it so i don't

remember that much about it but

he went on interviews and was like oh


sheila she was so angry with me

because i wouldn't have sex with her

that's why she did this sounds


he was like an old man and he was like

oh my god my sex appeal is so

vast that sheila couldn't have sex with


and then she decided to murder people i

don't know

oh god i got so annoyed he went out of


pledge of silence to do

these interviews and he was like oh she

likes the bad guy

i had no idea what was going on

he's a [ __ ] idiot and also people

in the sect some of them were like

rashnesh could never hurt a person

ever he could never do that he wouldn't

have to fly

unless it was a particularly tasty

fly and he was in a pledge of silence

for a couple of years so some of them

had never even

heard him speak i'm like what do you

know about this person

not one [ __ ] thing wouldn't it be

really funny if

he came out of his pledge of silence to

all of these thousands of people that

never heard him speak in like this grand

procession i'm imagining like

when a new pope is announced and he

stands at the balcony and there's

thousands of

religious zealots beneath him chanting

his praise

and then he's just like

this is what you've been waiting for

i'm not your messiah i'm a very naughty


what if he came out of his pledge of


and sounded like me

are those poor cultists

is this what we've been waiting for this

is what we signed up to

i'd rather go back to living on the


at least people threw cold mcdonald's at


i didn't have to listen to that

eight-year-old child's

eyes didn't have to be reminded of my


tinnitus laugh like a [ __ ]

foghorn but

okay so the fbi was then allowed to

search the

rajneesh param compound following


allegations towards sheila

mind you and found a lot of guns


gas masks and literature on how to kill

and also literature about bio warfare

biochemical warfare technically


okay so they discovered that practically

every room

in every building was bugged as well as

36 voice activated audio recorders that

tapped almost every phone in the


they also had bugs in the town of

antelope i think

and these microphones led to a secret

room in sheila's home

where she could listen in on everything

and they also led to an administration

building staffed

15 hours a day

a doctor working at the ranch had


the salmonella bacteria from a medical

supply company in seattle

when this came out sheila was extradited

to the u.s

she said that quote she had talked with

rashnesh about the plot to decrease

voter turnout in the dales by making

people sick

sheila said that rashnesh commented that

it was best not to hurt people

but if a few died not to worry

fair enough it's a good outlook to have

oh god

yeah i mean you're just gonna get

stressed if you worry about if people

are gonna die or not

so by my own hand

oh not to worry she was actually

sentenced to 20 years in prison but


only two and a half years before moving

to switzerland which i'm a bit

confused at how that transpired

she was layout early for good behavior

she was like bye bye

it's also crazy two and a half years for


murder yeah isn't that crazy

but all right rashnesh was charged with

lying to the

ins about his intentions to move

to the united states and also because a


of his cult members had

married to bring people into the united


for green cards he pleaded guilty to

that and made a cash payment of four


thousand dollars and was deported

but i also read that he was only

deported for

five years so they were like you cannot

return to the united states

in five years he was then i think

refused residency in

a lot of countries but i didn't write


how many countries he tried to move to

and they were like

nah nah poor guy

and then he changed his name to osho

and then he died in 1990. okay that's

the case

did you have anything else to say about

the [ __ ]

that went down yes and we probably

should have mentioned that

the salmonella that was recovered from

the restaurants

was exactly the same viral strain as the

one that they recovered

in the petri dishes at the ranch and


viruses mutate very very rapidly

as we're seeing with kovid it was almost

like a 100

this is the same virus that's been

cultured here that has been used

to poison people yeah yeah true story

yeah it's a story bro scary

yeah a scary oh i peed my pants no i


because i went to the toilet before

recording and also during the recording

what are you going to do now dance

make a little love get that

good one make the most love that

anyone ever have in the history

of humanity yeah again guess i'm coming

for your record baby

genghis i think you mean rush niche that

was a made-up name

as well i think his name was something

else alan

okay thank you very much for listening

to this week's

episode of midweek murders we'll see you

next week or will we

we'll see you next week there we go less

ominous that way

nailed it like tangus

jing is confucked jengus

genghis khan it's a hard g

this time can you make your mind up

[ __ ] english

just like genghis's dick

you make him my dog not how language


yeah bye bye see you talk to you soon


  • Rajneeshee bioterror attack
  • Rajneesh
  • cults
  • 1984 Rajneeshee bioterror attack
  • bioterrorism
  • mass poisoning
  • salmonella
  • Wild Wild Country
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