The Murderer at 10 Rillington Place
6 January

This week we discuss the murders at number 10 Rillington Place. Timothy Evans was found guilty of, and executed for, the murders of his wife and daughter, Beryl and Geraldine Evans. But Timothy accused his downstairs neighbour of the murders, the key witness for the prosecution, John Christie. Joe talks about the miscarriage of justice and Sandra proposes new monikers for serial killers.
Joe got his information from:
- Wikipedia
- Parliamentary debate from 1961
Sandra got her information from:
- Wikipedia
- An article on Medium, by Andrew Paul Shakespeare. This is also where the images can be found.
- Article on Wales Online, by Jason Evans
- Article in the Montreal Gazette, from 1953
- House of Lords debate, from 1966
Audio transcript
Midweek Murders contains graphic and explicit content, listener discretion is advised.
Yeah! You loser.
Speaking of losers, how's your day been? [Laughter]
Uneventful, is how my day has been.
I have a feeling I might keep you on the phone for a while today, because I feel a bit depressed and this is the only plans I've had...
For the entirety of this year.
Yep. And also, I don't have two days to edit the episode, so if I take three hours on this, I don't mind.
So what you're saying is, this is going to be full of burps and toilet breaks
That is the gist of it, yeah. Also, I've thought about one thing, and that is that you have a tendency to duck out when you're laughing. Like duck away from the microphone.
Well, I can't duck away from the microphone because it's fixed to my headset. So your thought is full of poop.
Yeah. Maybe it's because my laughter is so fucking loud. [Laughter] It mutes... It mutes you.
Well, maybe because I usually laugh silently.
Yeah, maybe.
I'm not a loud laugher, I'm not you. [Makes honking sound] That's my impression of you laughing.
So do you know what day it is?
It's Wednesday, which means that it's time to talk about crime. I'm your host Sandra.
And I'm your host miserable bastard.
That's Joe, by the way.
They know who it is, we don't get any new listeners.
Some people listen to just one episode, then they don't know who you are. Although you are the miserable bastard, so.
Well there you go then, problem solved.
The miserable bastard is Joe. Today we're going to talk about the murders of Beryl and Geraldine Evans. I got my information from wikipedia, an article on medium by Andrew Paul Shakespeare, an article on whales online by Jason Evans, an article in the montreal gazette from 1953 and all that's And a house of lords debate from 1966.
I got my sources from the wiki wiki wah, a parliamentary debate from 1961, and some other places that I do not remember, but will be available on the website - You're lucky that I remembered.
So Timothy Evans entered the police station in the south of Wales on the...
Merthyr Tydfil.
That's the police station, Merthyr Tydfil.
Oh. I didn't write it down because I didn't think I would be able to pronounce it.
Exactly. Now with a Welsh accent, Merthyr Tydfil.
...entered a police station in the south [Laughter]
In the south of Wales on the 30th of november 1949, telling the police that he was worried about his 18 months old daughter Geraldine. The police asked him where the mother of the child was, to which he answered that she had died in unusual circumstances. He went on to tell police that his wife Beryl had been pregnant, but the couple had decided on an abortion, which was illegal at the time, as they couldn't handle the financial strain of a second child. He then told police that he had been given a bottle of some unknown liquid, by a man who had told him that this would lead to a termination of the pregnancy. He stated that Beryl had drunk the contents of the mystery bottle, and had died shortly after. He claimed that he had then disposed of Beryl's body by putting it down a manhole situated outside the couple's home in Notting Hill, London. He also said that he had arranged for somebody to take care of Geraldine before going back to his hometown in Wales. In Wales, his relatives had become worried for his wife and daughter, as they suspected that Timothy had abandoned them because of the pregnancy. They wanted to know where his daughter was, and as Timothy failed to locate her, they persuaded him to go to the police. So the police searched the home at number 10 Rillington Place, and realized that the manhole cover required three men to remove. Also, they did not find a body down there.
They did not find no body.
Timothy then recounted his quote-unquote confession, and told the police that his downstairs neighbor had offered to perform an abortion on Beryl. Timothy now told them that he had returned from work on the 8th of November, the day that the quote-unquote abortion was supposed to have taken place, to the news that his wife had died due to complications. His neighbor, John Christie, informed him that he would put Beryl's body down the manhole, and make sure Geraldine was taken care of by giving her up for adoption. Christie then urged Timothy to get out of London and lay low somewhere, as he claimed that the police would be looking for him. The police returned to Rillington Place to perform a second search of the home, and this time they found the bodies of both Beryl and Geraldine wrapped in a table cloth in the wash house situated in the garden. They had both been strangled. I'm guessing that a wash house is a house in the garden with, like, some kind of laundry...
Yeah. I think it all would have been external to the main house.
Timothy had been in solitary confinement for two days before he was shown articles of clothing that the bodies had been wearing, and identified them as belonging to Beryl and Geraldine. He was then interrogated for hours, and threatened with violence should he not cooperate. They wanted him to sign the confession. The confession they wanted him to sign though, stated that he had strangled Beryl on the 8th following an argument, and then two days later murdered his daughter, before traveling to Wales. And Timothy was described as having the IQ of a 12 year old, and was more or less illiterate. The confession however, was coherent and worded in a way that makes it implausible that Timothy had much input in what it said at all. And with this, I kind of mean that it sounded like it was put in a narrative that the police wanted things to have happened.
Yeah. So I think it was examined later, not at the time, and they found that there were quote linguistic discrepancies between what you would expect someone with the IQ of between 10 and 12 to be able to articulate, and common phraseology that the police would use.
obviously you would need to be of a
iq to be able to register to be in the
and that linguistic investigation found
that the written statement from timothy
didn't match with the iq levels
of his reported ability
the thing that was also a problem was
timothy when he left school he could
more or less write his name
that was it yeah i mean you see a
confession that's been
doctored by the police so when you write
a confession it has to be
your own words and for someone
illiterate obviously they would have had
to dictate it
but at the same time you would expect
that level of dictation to be the same
wow your noise cancelling headphones did
not cancel that out
i just opened it i'm sorry i
heard that clearly so yeah the level of
his iq means that he wouldn't have been
able to write
which means that he would have had to
dictate his statement but also
given his level of iq he wouldn't have
been able to
come up with complex sentence structures
or words that weren't necessarily in the
common vernacular and so when you look
the statement and compare it to what you
would expect to come from
a 10 to 12 year old child which was
his mental ability and there were
signs that this didn't correlate
particularly strongly
timothy evans was put on trial for the
murder of his daughter
on the 11th of january 1950.
at this point he had withdrawn the
signed confession
on the advice of his lawyer he claimed
that his
second confession had been truthful and
john christie his neighbor was the
the prosecution loft this off in court
as fantastic even though christy had
served six months in jail for hitting a
woman in the head
with a cricket bat what's more
is that people living at number 10
really can
place could only access the wash house
by using a knife to unlock it that knife
was in the possession of ethel christie
john's wife which i feel like is weird
because how the hell do you have an
that is just unlocked with a knife
not a key a knife i'm like
that is weird i feel like it's a very
basic latch mechanism that
latches from the inside and so the only
way to open it
is to put a knife to be able to release
the latch that makes sense that it was
like an
inside job yeah like a
poorly designed or broken
latch mechanism seems to be the only way
that that would make sense i also read
that it was
like an adjacent to their
flat john christie and ethel's fat
adjacent to
their kitchen so probably they could
open it from the inside
maybe yeah there might have been an
alternative route
in so the notting hill
police had also talked to some builders
who were making repairs to number 10
ridlington place at the time when the
took place the builders had stored their
in the wash house and assured the police
that the bodies had not been there
when timothy had left wales as they had
thoroughly cleaned it out when they
finished work on the 11th
of november yeah so it's theorized
that beryl was killed on the 8th
yeah geraldine was killed on the 10th
the builders would have cleaned the
outhouse on the 11th
and then would have given the
spare timber on the 14th
okay and also noticeably timothy
traveled to wales on the 10th
i think yeah and was theorized to have
hidden barrel between the 8th and the
yeah so the police forced the builders
to amend their statements
and they were not summoned to give
evidence in court
also the workers timesheet was
a piece of evidence that was submitted
to the police
to corroborate the workers story that
they'd been working
at least until the 11th so they
submitted that
to the police and then the police
lost it did they
yes they did and then got the workers
to change it from there were definitely
no bodies on the 11th when they cleared
the wash house to they did not see
any bodies but that does not mean there
were not any
i'm quite sure that they would have oh
definitely would have found anybody's
the fact that the police conveniently
lost this piece of evidence that
cleared timothy and showed that he
couldn't have dumped the bodies
in the wash house in the times that the
police indicating he could
because it didn't fit with their
eloquently said so john and essel
christie were the prosecutors
key witnesses john denied having offered
to help
terminate beryl's pregnancy and in turn
offered up evidence of timothy's
and barrow's frequent loud arguments
apparently timothy might have had an
alcohol issue he might have been
in those arguments and the other
neighbors could attest to this as well
which does sound damning
it does statistically make sense
i'm not surprised that the police
believed this theory because no i'm not
very common yeah it doesn't take a leap
of logic
to come to that conclusion but also
there is a history of domestic abuse
the husband did it is not okay there is
a history of domestic abuse
therefore husband is prime suspect no
problem with that as long as it's
investigated fully and sufficiently
looking at you crown court in this case
the jury were reportedly also swayed by
the fact that john christie had been a
part-time police officer during world
ii which is funny because our last case
he was also a part-time police officer
what we're saying is all pcsos are
so much of the evidence collected during
the investigation was never
showed to the jury and they took only
40 minutes to reach a guilty
verdict timothy evans was hanged
on the 9th of march 1950
which is also my birthday so happy
birthday to me
not it's my birthday i can cry if i want
three years later john christie was
discovered to be a
serial killer he had moved out of his
and when an upstairs neighbor had
started using the christie's kitchen
he discovered the bodies of three women
kathleen maloney rita nelson and
hectorina mclennan hidden
in a concealed kitchen pantry
and with concealed i mean i think they
kind of plastered the wall but not
plastered just with paper
paper the wall which is weird but i
think that was it
no i don't know and then so
john christie i did read about his
childhood blah blah blah
i felt like some of the things from his
childhood was
worth mentioning his father was
very strict he was also
mentioned to have an overprotective
which i was like who doesn't have an
overprotective mother he was also called
to have been
teased by his sisters older sisters
i'm like all siblings tease their
siblings that's just what siblings are
did you get teased by your siblings all
the time
yeah you just have one older sibling
but let me tell you that's what siblings
are no i mean my mum wasn't
overprotective she
popped me out from a vag and was like
there you go there's the world
fend for yourself
but i mean like my mother was very
that's life trying to deal with it mate
that's what all the people say
riding high in april shut down
me he also had a lifelong
problem with impotence
he was branded as reggie no dick
and can't do it christy
which i feel like should be what we
call serial killers i [ __ ] love can't
do it christy that's
right that's great we should dub him
that because
what the [ __ ] is his deal he's a
man can't do christy great moniker
like we should call golden state killer
dick joe because
some of us are genetically predisposed
but he should be called up because
golden state killer
is a bit menacing we should just call
him small dick joe because
people have been assaulted by him
have described it as a very small dick
we should call him small dick joke we
should call
the zodiac killer can't spell paradise
because they recently did you read about
i've read that they decoded some of his
yeah they decoded a coded letter from
very recently and turns out he
can't spell paradise i don't think that
will catch on you probably should have
worked on that a bit harder before
publicizing it to the world
true story but we should call him
paradise because he can't [ __ ] spell
maybe zodiac can't spell that'll be good
needs work i get your point work a bit
harder on the zodiac
so during a further search done by
police three more bodies were discovered
christie's wife ethel ruth
first an austrian nurse and
muriel edie a former colleague
of john christie and they were buried
not his wife but the other two were
buried in
shallow graves in the garden which
should have been discovered when they
looked for
beryl and geraldine was this the one
where there was a thigh bone propping up
his garden trellis
yes and the police came out of that
search and they were like nah nothing
suspicious in the garden
it's all good it's like [ __ ] hell
it's a thigh bone in a fence yes
somebody needs a better prescription in
their glasses
and also one of their skulls
were reportedly discovered by
children in the area oh yeah that they
submitted to the police
yeah and the police were like oh random
nah can't be relevant yeah exactly
all six victims had been strangled
and wrapped up in fabric just like
beryl and geraldine john christie then
confessed to the murder of beryl
evans on four different occasions
but he never confessed to the murder of
but everybody knew everybody knew
apart from the people that were
involved in his prosecution because
everybody that were involved in
his prosecution said that he only
pleaded guilty for murdering beryl
to rack up the number of people he
to support his claim of insanity oh
that's the only reason that they were
like oh yeah you killed barrel did you
because you're insane
they weren't like oh barrel died same mo
as all the other victims that you've
murdered and stashed away in your house
must have been you
no it was like beryl yeah only claiming
that to get away with insanity
[ __ ] 1950s judicial system was
[ __ ] rigged mate
although he did confess to necrophilia
on barrel and on the other victims
well that's an interesting point as well
dr tyr i think his name is pronounced
so he was the guy that did the autopsy
beryl and there are multiple sources out
there saying that the evidence he gave
at trial
has been disputed both at the time
and afterwards so he said
that he found vaginal bruising
which coincides with all of the other
christie victims either at the time or
after the trial he said he couldn't be
whether that bruising was inflicted
pre or post-mortem
to be fair to dr teal is quite hard
to determine the exact time the bruising
would occur mainly because the body will
naturally bruise postmortem
which is how you can tell if a body has
been moved
post-mortem so if you imagine your
body's pumping all your blood around
happy as larry
hearts like yeah
look at me i'm alive i'm so happy
and then it dies
if you're laying down on your back
naturally gravity will cause all of your
to pull on your back and the back of
your legs
and so on so if someone's died on their
and then been moved post-mortem
somewhere else and been laid on their
stomach a
forensic pathologist will be able to
tell that this body has been moved
because all of the blood pooling is on
their back
now when you get more localized to
like vaginal bruising which are very
in forced sexual situations
it's a lot harder to tell whether that's
been inflicted
pre or post-mortem because of the higher
rate of blood flow
and the fact that the blood flow will
naturally pull
downwards towards the anus
but the indication that there was
in the internal walls of the vaginal
would indicate that the penetration
occurred during life or
very soon after death
which kind of doesn't lean towards the
that has been reported and was
supposedly confessed
there's one way that would have been the
to prove timothy's innocence
and christie's guilt and that would have
to test the seminal fluid that was
recovered forensically
from beryl's vaginal cavity
yeah oh god they didn't test it john
chrissy was executed on the 15th
of july 1953
by the same hangman who had executed
timothy evans as the noose was lowered
over john christie's head he complained
about his nose
itching which he couldn't do anything
about seeing
as his hands were tied behind his back
the hangman replied it won't bother you
long which is a great bit of
morbid banter did i tell you about john
hypochondriac hippopotamus
hippopotamuses hypochondria
ism hypochondriac
queen eye
self-diagnosis of multiple diseases
what is it called hypochondriac
what is it called i don't know what the
present participle of it
is okay he was a hypochondriac and he
said that he had been cast with mustard
when he was in world war one because
apparently he had been
a soldier in world war one and also
speaking of which his photo of him
in the 1950s ish he looks
like a proper serial killer whereas
i've seen timothy and
quite handsome chap yeah he looks mostly
yeah more handsome than the rugged
officer neville heath who was
handsome and rugged and handsome
he looked like a troglodyte timothy
not a bad looking fella no not really no
he looked wicked but also john christie
looked like a serial killer
in the photo because he was 1950s
because he was
obviously but also his eyes are like
but he was saved by conjugate hip hip
because he was like oh my god the
mustard gas in world war
one made me both deaf and mute
and then he was like yeah didn't know
about this
three years later he was like i can't
only speak in
whisper tones i can't raise my voice
i can only speak in swahili
yeah he was thinking at all he's
of whispers because i've been
mustard gassed it affected my voice
as such that i can only whisper
i can see why you were chosen
for live performances
obviously that's psychosomatic
but also it's funny because he was like
oh i'm such a
fresh child old man
i've never done anything and then he was
a [ __ ] serial killer
so i've got some points on the inquiry
i don't know if you looked into that at
all what was the inquiry
so later on after
christy had been found guilty there were
two inquiries into
whether there had been a miscarriage of
in sentencing timothy
to death one of them was conducted
by a chap called henderson
he looked at all of the evidence that
available at the time to the jury
and any evidence that had come forth
afterwards such as the conviction
and evidence against christie the
mr henderson he might have been a sir
that there were no grounds
at all to consider any
reasonable doubt that timothy
might not have been guilty so he
upheld the conviction and i spent
about an hour reading through
a commons debate between a bunch of
that was like oh the right honorable
gentleman is wrong
or the right honorable gentleman
insults this right honourable gentleman
the right honorable gentleman that's
insulted is
misinterpreted the right honorable
but basically in the midst of all of the
right honorable gentlemanism they came
the conclusion that there were five
points in the original conviction
that could be questioned number one
is that timothy did not report
his dead wife after coming home from
now if you were innocent you'd do that
yeah but also abortion was
illegal back then oh you mean if beryl
had died from the abortion process
which he thought that she did because
john christie had tried to convince them
that he had the medical knowledge of
doing an abortion okay that makes sense
number two is that the timesheet
of the workmen that were working in
the wash house went missing
number three is that the defense
lawyers so timothy's lawyers
were convinced of his guilt
and therefore did not push
for certain pieces of evidence to be
presented in court such as
the seminal fluid recovered in barrels
veggie vag say vagina a genie
no say vagina [ __ ] sake i'm just gonna
have a problem cutting this the shoe
did you read anything about the i
haven't finished yet i've got
three more points made okay i'm with you
yeah for [ __ ] sake stop
[ __ ] interrupting me vagina
stop shouting it i'm sensitive
stop encouraging me i'm not encouraging
you're encouraging you
you're doing this to yourself
i need to pee
i'm over it i'm over it that's fine it's
totally fine
number four was supposedly the judge
during the trial gave a biased summary
to the jury
so when you've got a jury at trial
before the judge sends off the jury to
come to their decision he's meant to
give a summary
of all of the evidence that's been heard
both prosecution and defense
in this case apparently i haven't read
it myself
the judge gave a skewed
opinion which favored the prosecution so
in the jury's mind
they were already linking the evidence
in the prosecution's favor rather than
and the final point is that
given that christie was a
main prosecution witness in timothy's
the jury would have had a predisposition
favor someone of intellect which
was exacerbated and played upon
by the prosecution team against
timothy's lower iq in 1966
timothy evans received the royal pardon
i've got a couple more points on the
first inquiry so when they were looking
at the first inquiry that was conducted
by henderson
there was a lot of debate about
a lot of the findings one of the
politicians was looking through the
and said there's a number of assumptions
that you have to work on
to be able to support the conviction
that was given
the first assumption is that there are
two killers working with the same
modus operandi you then have to assume
that these two killers were
in the same house a floor apart
but were working independently and
in ignorance of the other you then have
assume that one of these people
killed six victims and one of these
killed only one two no he was only
charged for one he wasn't charged for a
oh yeah you then have to assume that it
complete chance that evans
wrapped the body in the exact same way
christy wrapped his victims and then you
have to assume
that it was complete chance that during
the trial
evans accused christie of the murders
now when you put all of those together
that's a ridiculous amount of
assuming that needs to be involved
for it to be plausible that christie
all of his crimes that he confessed to
and was also
linked to and that evans
committed the crime of murdering
and also beryl that he wasn't convicted
so just on that basis alone it's
it's impossible yeah yeah they went on
to say
during the trial so they took into
account evan's confession
which said that both beryl and geraldine
had been hidden behind the sink
in the wash house behind a bunch of
timber and that they've both been
when that was questioned the chief
at the time said that he did
not disclose any of this information
to timothy evans when interviewing him
then they interviewed his second in
who when asked did chief
inspector jennings state that the bodies
were hidden
behind the sink he said under oath
yes sir then when he was asked did chief
inspector jennings
disclose that the bodies were hidden
the timber framing he replied under oath
yes sir so the confession
which supposedly contained information
that only the murderer would know was
divulged by the chief inspector
when deliberately questioning timothy
to try and get a confession out of him
final point about the inquiry was that
the defense lawyers that were hired
by timothy's mother i think it was
and sister or sister-in-law there were a
couple of people that were close family
had hired the lawyers to represent them
for the inquiry
to start with that defense lawyer had
been giving a date
by the prosecution that he was to
attend court and he was fine with that
he was happy with it he turned up
and they said actually they changed your
court day
it's a different day now so the defense
lawyer then missed out
on i think it was three days of the
yeah that's like in harry potter yeah
when they change it to
that morning and then it just has to
turn up oh my god
so the defense lawyer i think his name
was gil
i'm gonna call him gil so gil asked the
court to see the evidence
from the days that he missed and the
days that he was
not allowed to attend this was refused
by mr henderson the person conducting
the inquiry seven gill said that he
access to timothy evans original
and all of the transcripts from
the original trial and mr henderson
so then gill said okay so i want to call
some defense witnesses so mr henderson
okay that's fine but you
mr gill are not allowed to question them
you have to submit your questions
to me mr henderson and i will
choose whether to ask them or not
what yeah [ __ ] so there was a
massive debate in the house of commons
as to whether henderson's
inquiry was valid or not and obviously
given what you said earlier they managed
to get it to a second inquiry
which managed to redact the sentence
on timothy but also an independent
assessor of the home office said that
the conviction of
timothy evans is now recognized to have
been one of the most notorious
if not the most notorious miscarriages
of justice and that's the case it's also
that this case was used
very heavily in the argument for
capital punishment in the uk so thanks
you stopped us all from getting
decaffeinated definitely
yes what are you gonna do now hmm
probably sleep i thought that i should
do a board game little dance
make a little love get down tonight
with our listeners how does that work
with video suzanne and liam
joe and the others are the russian bots
i don't get it maybe we should do a
board game night
maybe we should have a strip poker night
could do that and then put it on patreon
yeah exactly or only fans
midweek murders only fans
okay thank you so much for listening to
this week's episode
of midweek murders we'll see you next
bye bye are we going yeah i think so
oh okay see you never
See you not soon!
- John Christie
- Timothy Evans
- Beryl Evans
- Geraldine Evans
- overturned convictions in the United Kingdom
- people wrongfully convicted of murder
- wrongful executions
- 1940s murders
- English serial killers
- true crime
- UK