

Midweek Murders

A true crime comedy podcast

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29. The Cult that Cultivated Salmonella

The Rajneeshee bioterror attack is the topic this week, orchestrated by the followers of Rajneesh. Joe talks about the dangers of brushing your teeth too hard, and Sandra confuses a deadly disease with a group of Roman soldiers.



28. Pets and Palynology

This week's episode is about Leanne Tiernan, whose disappearance was very thoroughly investigated by the West Yorkshire Police. The murderer was a local "Pet Man" named John Taylor. Joe explains the pollen evidence, and Sandra questions the validity of lifting fingerprints in films.



27. The Postal Poisoner

The worst serial killer we've never heard of, Francis Edward Drescher, is the topic of this week's episode. Joe explains what strychnine is, and Sandra talks about the invention of gin and tonic.



26. 20th Century Super-Spreader

The topic this week is Mary Mallon, also known as Typhoid Mary. Joe explains typhoid fever, and Sandra doesn't know what century she's in.



25. The Murderer at 10 Rillington Place

This week we discuss the murders at number 10 Rillington Place. Timothy Evans was found guilty of, and executed for, the murders of his wife and daughter, Beryl and Geraldine Evans. But Timothy accused his downstairs neighbour of the murders, the key witness for the prosecution, John Christie. Joe talks about the miscarriage of justice and Sandra proposes new monikers for serial killers.



24. The Buck Stops Here

The topic this week is the murders of Isabella Ruxton and Mary Jane Rogerson, committed by Buck Ruxton. Joe explains forensic entomology and anthropology, and Sandra calls Buck out for being a lil bitch.